The WV10 8 Wolverhampton (Oxley) Postcode Sector


A wide range of spatial data has been analysed to present this overview of the WV10 8 Postcode sector. If you would like anything added, please contact us.


The WV10 8 postcode sector stands on the Staffordshire and West Midlands border.

Did you know? According to the 2021 Census, the WV10 8 postcode sector is home to a bustling 11,947 residents!

Given that each sector allows for 400 unique postcode combinations. Letters C, I, K, M, O and V are not allowed in the last two letters of a postcode. With 226 postcodes already in use, this leaves 174 units available.

The largest settlement in the WV10 8 postal code is WOLVERHAMPTON followed by Wednesfield, and Westcroft.

The WV10 8 Postcode shares a border with WV10 0 (WOLVERHAMPTON, Heath Town), WV10 6 (WOLVERHAMPTON, Oxley), WV10 7 (Featherstone, Shareshill, Four Ashes), WV10 9 (WOLVERHAMPTON), WV11 1 (WOLVERHAMPTON, Wednesfield) and WV11 2 (WOLVERHAMPTON, Essington, Wednesfield).

Map of the WV10 8 Postcode Sector

Explore the WV10 8 postcode sector by using our interactive map.

The sector is within the post town of WOLVERHAMPTON.

WV10 8 is a postcode sector within the WV10 postcode district which is within the WV Wolverhampton postcode area.

The Royal Mail delivery office for the WV10 8 postal sector is the Wolverhampton Delivery Office.

The area of the WV10 8 postcode sector is 1.68 square miles which is 4.34 square kilometres or 1,073.56 square acres.


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Map Showing Location of the WV10 postcode Sector
Where is the WV10 Postcode Sector?
A word cloud for the WV10 8 postcode
A word cloud showing place names for the WV10 8 postcode sector, can you see your street?
Postcode format for the WV10 8 postcode sector
W V 1 0 - 8 X X
W V 1 0 Space 8 Letter Letter

Official List of Streets


Weather Forecast for WV10 8

Weather Forecast for Bushbury

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
09:00 to 12:00symbol for Heavy rainHeavy rain3.0°C (feels like -2.0°C) 61.00%WNW 13 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)4.0°C (feels like -1.0°C) 42.00%NW 13 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Sunny daySunny day5.0°C (feels like 1.0°C) 6.00%NW 13 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Clear nightClear night4.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 2.00%WNW 11 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Clear nightClear night3.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 2.00%WNW 9 mph

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for CloudyCloudy3.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 5.00%W 9 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for CloudyCloudy4.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 4.00%WSW 9 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy4.0°C (feels like 1.0°C) 4.00%SW 9 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy5.0°C (feels like 1.0°C) 5.00%SW 11 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for CloudyCloudy7.0°C (feels like 4.0°C) 10.00%SW 11 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Heavy rainHeavy rain8.0°C (feels like 5.0°C) 81.00%SW 11 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Light rain shower (night)Light rain shower (night)7.0°C (feels like 4.0°C) 33.00%W 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Clear nightClear night6.0°C (feels like 3.0°C) 1.00%W 9 mph

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for CloudyCloudy5.0°C (feels like 2.0°C) 4.00%WSW 9 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for CloudyCloudy6.0°C (feels like 2.0°C) 7.00%SW 11 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for Light rainLight rain7.0°C (feels like 3.0°C) 47.00%SW 13 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for Light rainLight rain9.0°C (feels like 5.0°C) 45.00%SW 16 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Light rainLight rain11.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) 48.00%WSW 16 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)9.0°C (feels like 6.0°C) 32.00%W 16 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for CloudyCloudy8.0°C (feels like 4.0°C) 10.00%W 16 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Partly cloudy (night)Partly cloudy (night)7.0°C (feels like 2.0°C) 8.00%W 16 mph

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for CloudyCloudy6.0°C (feels like 1.0°C) 10.00%W 18 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for CloudyCloudy5.0°C (feels like 1.0°C) 10.00%W 18 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy5.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 9.00%W 18 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy4.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 9.00%W 18 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)6.0°C (feels like 1.0°C) 30.00%WNW 20 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for CloudyCloudy6.0°C (feels like 1.0°C) 14.00%WNW 18 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for OvercastOvercast6.0°C (feels like 1.0°C) 10.00%WNW 18 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy5.0°C (feels like 1.0°C) 6.00%WNW 18 mph

Schools and Places of Education Within the WV10 8 Postcode Sector

Berrybrook Primary School
Academy sponsor led

Greenacres Avenue, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV10 8NZ
Head: Mr Alistair Smith- Headteacher
Ofsted Rating: Good
Inspection: 2022-10-05 (806 days ago)
Website: Visit Berrybrook Primary School Website
Phone: 01902921152
Number of Pupils: 236

Bushbury Hill Primary School
Community school

Old Fallings Lane, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV10 8BY
Head: Mrs Charlotte Underwood
Ofsted Rating: Good
Inspection: 2018-10-03 (2269 days ago)
Website: Visit Bushbury Hill Primary School Website
Phone: 01902558230
Number of Pupils: 292

Bushbury Nursery School
Local authority nursery school

Bushbury Lane, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV10 8JP
Head: Mrs Heidi Bullock
Ofsted Rating: Good
Inspection: 2023-03-28 (632 days ago)
Website: Visit Bushbury Nursery School Website
Phone: 01902558118
Number of Pupils: 90

Fallings Park Primary School
Community school

Old Fallings Lane, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV10 8BN
Head: Mrs Sarah Pedley
Ofsted Rating: Good
Inspection: 2022-04-27 (967 days ago)
Website: Visit Fallings Park Primary School Website
Phone: 01902558375
Number of Pupils: 738

Moreton School
Academy sponsor led

Old Fallings Lane, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV10 8BY
Head: Mr Ben Dumayne
Ofsted Rating: Good
Inspection: 2020-02-05 (1779 days ago)
Website: Visit Moreton School Website
Phone: 01902558310
Number of Pupils: 1020

Northwood Park Primary School
Academy converter

Collingwood Road, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV10 8DS
Head: Mrs Natalie Boys
Ofsted Rating: Good
Inspection: 2023-06-21 (547 days ago)
Website: Visit Northwood Park Primary School Website
Phone: 01902558715
Number of Pupils: 586

Our Lady and St Chad Catholic Academy
Academy converter

Old Fallings Lane, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV10 8BL
Head: Miss Louisa Craig
Ofsted Rating: Good
Inspection: 2023-05-12 (587 days ago)
Website: Visit Our Lady and St Chad Catholic Academy Website
Phone: 01902558250
Number of Pupils: 1133

St Mary's Catholic Primary Academy, Wolverhampton
Academy converter

Cannock Road, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV10 8PG
Head: Mrs Victoria Minihane
Ofsted Rating: Good
Inspection: 2023-01-25 (694 days ago)
Website: Visit St Mary's Catholic Primary Academy, Wolverhampton Website
Phone: 01902308870
Number of Pupils: 469

Westcroft School
Academy special converter

Greenacres Avenue, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV10 8NZ
Head: Ms Helen Andrioli
Ofsted Rating: Good
Inspection: 2018-09-11 (2291 days ago)
Website: Visit Westcroft School Website
Phone: 01902558350
Number of Pupils: 188

Woodbury School
Other independent special school

Hellier Road, , , WV10 8ED
Head: Mr David Davies
Ofsted Rating: Good
Inspection: 2022-05-12 (952 days ago)
Website: Visit Woodbury School Website
Phone: 01902507052
Number of Pupils: 25

Map of the WV10 8 and surrounding postcode sector

House Prices in the WV10 8 Postcode Sector

Yearly House Price Averages for the WV10 8 Postcode Sector
Type of Property 2018 Average 2018 Sales 2017 Average 2017 Sales 2016 Average 2016 Sales 2015 Average 2015 Sales
Detached £190,095 21 £221,321 31 £219,273 20 £182,474 21
Semi-Detached £142,666 76 £128,909 78 £129,244 79 £119,114 69
Terraced £122,000 25 £112,618 19 £107,767 15 £108,358 25
Flats £66,000 1 £82,500 3 £75,500 4 £61,250 2

Important Postcodes WV10 8 in the Postcode Sector

WV10 8BL

WV10 8BL is the postcode for Our Lady & St. Chads RC School, Old Fallings Lane, RECEPTION & SIXTH FORM BUILDING, Our Lady & St Chads RC School, Old Fallings Lane, PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE, Our Lady & St. Chads RC School, Old Fallings Lane, ACADEMY MAIN BUILDING, Our Lady & St. Chads RC School, Old Fallings Lane, and MFL DEPARTMENT, Our Lady & St. Chads RC School, Old Fallings Lane

WV10 8BN

WV10 8BN is the postcode for Fallings Park Primary School, Old Fallings Lane

WV10 8BY

WV10 8BY is the postcode for Bushbury Hill Primary School, Old Fallings Lane, and Moreton Community School, Old Fallings Lane

WV10 8DS

WV10 8DS is the postcode for Northwood Park Primary School, Collingwood Road

WV10 8ED

WV10 8ED is the postcode for Bushbury Health Centre, Hellier Road

WV10 8EP

WV10 8EP is the postcode for The Northicote School, Northwood Park Road

WV10 8JP

WV10 8JP is the postcode for Bushbury Nursery School, Bushbury Lane

WV10 8LY

WV10 8LY is the postcode for Keats Grove Surgery, 17 Keats Grove

WV10 8NZ

WV10 8NZ is the postcode for Westcroft School, Greenacres Avenue, NEW BUILDING, Westcroft School, Greenacres Avenue, SPORTS BUILDING, Westcroft School, Greenacres Avenue, MAIN BUILDING, Westcroft School, Greenacres Avenue, BERRYBROOK PRIMARY SCHOOL, GREENACRES AVENUE, WOLVERHAMPTON, MAIN BUILDING, Westcroft School & Sports College, Greenacres Avenue, Berrybrook Primary School, Greenacres Avenue, SPORTS BUILDING, Westcroft School & Sports College, Greenacres Avenue, and NEW BUILDING, Westcroft School & Sports College, Greenacres Avenue

WV10 8PG

WV10 8PG is the postcode for St. Marys Catholic Primary Academy, Cannock Road

WV10 8RN

WV10 8RN is the postcode for Primrose Lane Clinic, Primrose Lane

WV10 8SA

WV10 8SA is the postcode for Neil Dougherty Community Centre, Masefield Road

The WV10 8 Sector is within these Local Authorities
  • City of Wolverhampton District (B)
  • South Staffordshire District
The WV10 8 Sector is within these Counties
  • Staffordshire
  • West Midlands
The WV10 8 Sector is within these Water Company Areas
  • Severn Trent