Penson Way is a street located in the town of Shrewsbury. The street has a length of approximately 495 metres.
The street is not publicly maintained and is unadopted which means that a private body or even the householder could be responsible for the repair and upkeep of the highway. Check the status with your local council or enquire if the street is covered by a PUSWA (public utilities street works act).
The street is located within the Shropshire Council's jurisdiction. They provide various services, like refuse collection, and manage council tax collection. It's situated in the West Midlands region of the UK.
The road has been assigned the Unique Street Reference Number of 34800889 in the National Street Gazetteer.
The street has the postcodes of SY1 2BF and SY1 2AN.
It is located within the county of Shropshire, situated in the West Midlands region of the UK. It's 140.62 miles North West from central London., 0.85 miles North from Shrewsbury, 33.02 miles South from Chester and 39.52 miles North West from Birmingham.
PENSON WAY is within the Post Town of SHREWSBURY
Street Crime (updated 14/01/2025) | ||
Location Note | Central Point of Street - Not Actual Location | |
MSOA Info | For MSOA E02006031 (Statistical Neighbourhood) | |
Click Hint | Click on a Circle for a detailed breakdown below map. | |
Crime Levels |
Green = Very Low Yellow = Low Orange = High Red = Very High |
Postcodes | ||
Icon | Postcodes for Penson Way | |
Walking Distances | ||
Distance Info | Green Circle = 10 Minutes Walk (800 metres) |
Street Crime Data accessed from on 06/10/2024.
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Contact MeBudget Hotel Name | Distance (miles) |
1: Name:Premier Inn Shrewsbury Town Centre Address: Smithfield Road Telephone: Visit Hotel Page |
0.64 |
2: Name:Travelodge Shrewsbury Battlefield Address: Battlefield Roundabout, Shrewsbury, SY4 3EQ Telephone: 0871 984 6120 Visit Hotel Page |
2.49 |
3: Name:Holiday Inn Express Shrewsbury Address: Shrewsbury Business Park, Sitka Drive Telephone: Visit Hotel Page |
2.50 |
4: Name:Travelodge Shrewsbury Bayston Hill Address: A5, A49, Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury, SY3 0DA Telephone: 0871 984 6103 Visit Hotel Page |
2.63 |
5: Name:Travelodge Telford Shawbirch Address: Whitchurch Dr, Telford, TF1 3QA Telephone: 0871 984 6110 Visit Hotel Page |
9.60 |
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UPRN: 10014544847
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544929
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544848
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544930
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: NO DATA!
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544849
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544931
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: NO DATA!
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544850
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544932
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: NO DATA!
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544851
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544933
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: NO DATA!
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544852
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: End-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544934
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: NO DATA!
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544853
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544935
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: NO DATA!
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544854
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Mid-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544936
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: NO DATA!
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544855
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544937
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: NO DATA!
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544856
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: End-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544938
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: NO DATA!
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544857
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544939
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: NO DATA!
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544858
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544940
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: NO DATA!
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544859
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544941
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: NO DATA!
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544860
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544942
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544861
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544943
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544862
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544944
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544863
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: End-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544945
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544864
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544946
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544865
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Mid-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544947
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544866
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544948
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544867
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Mid-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544949
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544868
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544950
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544869
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: End-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544951
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544870
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: End-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544952
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544871
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544953
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544872
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Mid-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544954
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544873
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544955
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544874
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Mid-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544956
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544875
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544957
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544876
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: End-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544958
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544877
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: End-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544959
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544878
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: End-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544960
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544879
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Mid-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544961
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544880
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Mid-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544962
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544881
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Mid-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544963
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544882
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: End-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544964
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544883
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: End-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544965
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544884
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: End-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544966
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544885
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544967
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544886
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Mid-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544968
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544887
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544969
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544888
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Mid-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544970
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544889
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544971
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544890
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: End-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544972
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544891
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544973
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544892
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544974
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544893
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: End-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544975
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544894
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544976
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544895
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Mid-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544977
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544896
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544978
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544897
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: End-Terrace
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544979
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544898
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544980
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544899
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544981
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544900
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544982
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544901
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544983
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544902
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544984
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544903
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544985
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544904
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544986
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544905
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544987
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544906
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544988
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544907
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544989
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544908
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544990
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544909
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544991
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544910
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544992
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544911
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544993
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544912
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544994
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544913
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544995
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544914
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544996
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544915
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544997
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: B
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: Flat
Tenure: unknown
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544920
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544921
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544922
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544923
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544924
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544925
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544926
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Semi-Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
UPRN: 10014544927
EPC Current: B
EPC Potential: A
Habitable Rooms: N/A
Property Type: House
Tenure: Owner-occupied
Built Form: Detached
Age Band: U
Mains Gas: Unknown
Year | High | Low | Average | Sales |
2016 | £163,000 | £249,950 | £165,788 | 17 |
2017 | £168,000 | £257,000 | £197,206 | 42 |
2018 | £169,000 | £260,000 | £167,375 | 4 |
2019 | £230,000 | £230,000 | £230,000 | 1 |
2020 | £169,500 | £201,000 | £170,499 | 4 |
2021 | £197,500 | £289,000 | £195,438 | 12 |
2022 | £203,000 | £295,000 | £218,063 | 8 |
2023 | £210,000 | £295,000 | £209,333 | 3 |
Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.
Name | Address | Website |
SY Homes (Albury Place) Ltd | Albury Place, St. Michaels Street, Shrewsbury, SY1 2ET | |
EweMove Sales & Lettings - Shrewsbury | 92 Frankwell, Shrewsbury,SY3 8JS | Visit Website |
Roger Parry & Partners | 165, Welsh Bridge, Frankwell, Shrewsbury, SY3 8LG | Visit Website |
Spencer Jakeman | 46a Mardol, Shrewsbury, SY1 1PP | Visit Website |
Fine & Country | 4 Barker Street, Shrewsbury, SY1 1QJ | Visit Website |
Neighbourhood Policing |
Police Force: West Mercia |
View Neighbourhood Crime and Policing |
Find a Local Neighbourhood Watch Scheme |
Penson Way | |
| |
Latitude | 52.719488 |
Longitude | -2.753440 |
OS Easting (X): | 349114 |
OS Northing (Y): | 313841 |
OS Grid Reference: | SJ491138 |
Street | Junction Type |
Ellesmere Road (A528) | junction |
Sunrise | 07:49 |
Sunset | 17:00 |
Observed at Weather Station: | Shawbury 2 February 2025 at 20:00 (6.39 miles away) |
Current Weather: | Overcast |
Temperature and Humidity: | 5.7°C (83.2%) |
Wind Direction and Speed: | SSE (6 mph) |
ONS Area Code | E00147311 & E00147309 |
ONS Area Name | Ageing Industrious Workers & White Professionals |
Average Age | 39.75 & 38.98 |
Area Population | 2003.00 & 1670.00 |
Male Population | 981.00 & 800.00 (48%) |
Female Population | 1022.00 & 870.00 (52%) |
Benefit Claimants | 41 & 22 (2%) |
LSOA Code: | E01028931 &E01028930 |
LSOA Name: | Shropshire 017B &Shropshire 017A |
SOA Code: | 5a |
SOA Name: | |
MSOA Code: | E02006031 |
MSOA Name: | Shropshire 017 |
Tesco Ditherington Rd Express |
Ditherington Rd, Shrewsbury, SY1 4BD |
0345 671 9539 |
Distance: 0.71 Miles |
Directions to Tesco Ditherington Rd Express |
Tesco Shrewsbury Pride Hill Express |
24 Pride Hill, Shrewsbury, SY1 1EX |
0345 610 6371 |
Distance: 0.73 Miles |
Directions to Tesco Shrewsbury Pride Hill Express |
Little Waitrose Shrewsbury |
27 Pride Hill, Shrewsbury, SY1 1DP |
01743 289220 |
Distance: 0.76 Miles |
Directions to Little Waitrose Shrewsbury |
Morrisons Shrewsbury |
Whitchurch Road, Shrewsbury SY1 4DL |
01743 450405 |
Distance: 0.99 Miles |
Directions to Morrisons Shrewsbury |
Area Code |
Area Code: 01743 - Shrewsbury |
Local Council Details |
Within the area of Shropshire |
Visit the Council's Website |
Shropshire Council, Chief Executives Office, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury &Shropshire |
Send email |
Telephone Number: General enquiries |
Local Member of Parliament |
Within the Westminster Parliamentary Constituency of Shrewsbury and Atcham |
The Member of Parliament is Julia Buckley |
Details for the MP Julia Buckley on |
Details for the MP Julia Buckley on |
In the 2024 General Election Julia Buckley won with a majority of 11,355 the result was Lab gain from Con. The total electorate was 76,599 |
Wards, Parish Councils and County Councils |
Ward: Quarry and Coton Hill &Bagley Ward |
Parish: Shrewsbury Parish Council |
Ceremonial County: Shropshire |
Address: Shrewsbury Cathedral Catholic Primary School and Nursery, New Park Road, Castlefields, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 2SP
Distance: 0.67 miles
Contact: 01743351032
Address: The Martin Wilson School, New Park Road, Castlefields, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 2SP
Distance: 0.67 miles
Contact: 01743236520
Address: Grange Primary, Bainbridge Green, York Road, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 3QR
Distance: 1.35 miles
Address: Greenfields Primary School, Hemsworth Way, Ellesmere Road, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 2AH
Distance: 0.16 miles
Contact: 01743236397
Address: Greenfields Primary School, Hemsworth Way, Ellesmere Road, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 2AH
Distance: 0.16 miles
Address: Greenacres Primary School, Rutland, Off York Road, Harlescott Grange, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 3QG
Distance: 1.58 miles
Address: St George's Junior School, Woodfield Road, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 8LU
Distance: 1.14 miles
Address: Woodfield Infant School, Woodfield Road, Copthorne, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 8LU
Distance: 1.14 miles
Address: Shrewsbury Academy, Corndon Crescent, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 2LL
Distance: 0.23 miles
Address: Shrewsbury Colleges Group, Priory Road, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 1RX
Distance: 0.79 miles
Contact: 01743235491
Royal Shrewsbury Hospital |
Address: Mytton Oak Road, Shrewsbury, SY3 8XQ, |
NHS Sector |
Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust |
Telephone: 01743 261000 |
Visit Hospital Website |
Distance: 2.94 (miles) |
Directions from to Royal Shrewsbury Hospital |
The Redwoods Centre |
Address: Somerby Drive, Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury, SY3 8DS, |
Independent Sector |
Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust |
Telephone: 0300 790 7000 |
Visit Hospital Website |
Distance: 3.15 (miles) |
Directions from to The Redwoods Centre |
Nuffield Health, Shrewsbury Hospital |
Address: Longden Road, Shrewsbury, SY3 9DP, |
Independent Sector |
Nuffield Health |
Telephone: 0800 015 5020 |
Visit Hospital Website |
Distance: 3.26 (miles) |
Directions from to Nuffield Health, Shrewsbury Hospital |
Distance: 0.22 miles
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Distance: 0.32 miles
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Distance: 0.43 miles
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Distance: 0.43 miles
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Distance: 0.78 miles
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Distance: 0.78 miles
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Distance: 0.79 miles
Contact: tel: 01743 352371
Distance: 0.81 miles
Contact: tel: 01743 248244
Distance: 1.30 miles
Contact: tel: 01743 363640
Distance: 1.37 miles
Contact: tel: 01743 343148
Distance: 1.46 miles
Contact: tel: 01743 281950
Distance: 1.57 miles
Contact: tel: 01743 276000
Distance: 0.76 miles
Contact: tel: 01743 351311
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Contact: tel: 01743 232857
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Contact: tel: 01743 344277
Distance: 1.23 miles
Contact: tel: 01743 359795
Distance: 1.28 miles
Contact: tel: 01743 352352
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Distance: 0.74 miles
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Distance: 0.74 miles
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Distance: 0.78 miles
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Shrewsbury Station is 0.59 miles away.
Address: Shrewsbury station, Castle Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 2DQ
Shrewsbury is situated on the Cambrian Line|Welsh Marches Line|Wolverhampton to Shrewsbury line|Shrewsbury to Chester Line and is managed by Transport for Wales.
Shrewsbury Station is staffed on a full time basis.
Yorton Station is 6.22 miles away.
Address: Yorton station, Station Road, Yorton, Shropshire, SY4 3EP
Yorton is situated on the Welsh Marches Line and is managed by Transport for Wales.
Yorton Station is an unstaffed station.