The PH44 4 A' Chill Postcode Sector


A wide range of spatial data has been analysed to present this overview of the PH44 4 Postcode sector. If you would like anything added, please contact us.


Given that each sector allows for 400 unique postcode combinations. Letters C, I, K, M, O and V are not allowed in the last two letters of a postcode. With 1 postcodes already in use, this leaves 399 units available.

Map of the PH44 4 Postcode Sector

Explore the PH44 4 postcode sector by using our interactive map.

The sector is within the post town of ISLE OF CANNA.

PH44 4 is a postcode sector within the PH44 postcode district which is within the PH Perth postcode area.

The Royal Mail delivery office for the PH44 4 postal sector is the Isle Of Canna Scale Payment Delivery Office.

The area of the PH44 4 postcode sector is 4.89 square miles which is 12.66 square kilometres or 3,128.83 square acres.


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Map Showing Location of the PH44 postcode Sector
Where is the PH44 Postcode Sector?
A word cloud for the PH44 4 postcode
A word cloud showing place names for the PH44 4 postcode sector, can you see your street?
Postcode format for the PH44 4 postcode sector
P H 4 4 - 4 X X
P H 4 4 Space 4 Letter Letter

Official List of Streets

Unofficial Streets or Alternative Spellings

Weather Forecast for PH44 4

Weather Forecast for Sound Of Canna

Map of the PH44 4 and surrounding postcode sector
The PH44 4 Sector is within these Local Authorities
The PH44 4 Sector is within these Counties
The PH44 4 Sector is within these Water Company Areas