PA24 Postcode

PA24 is the Postcode District for Lochgoilhead, Cairndow Argyll And Bute


The postcode district is located in the PA Paisley postal area , PA24 has a population of 429 residents according to the 2011 Scotland Census.

The area of the district is 34.30 square miles (88.83 square kilometers or 21,951.20 acres).

A wide range of spatial data has been analysed to present this overview of PA24. If you would like anything added, please contact us.

Map of the PA24 postcode

Map of the PA24 Postcode District

Explore the postcode district by using our interactive map.

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Where is the PA24 District?

To give you an idea where the district is located we have created the following table showing nearby towns.

Nearest Towns to PA24

Town Distance (miles) Direction
Inveraray 8.42 NW
Helensburgh 12.24 SE
Gourock 13.59 SSE
Dunoon 13.62 S
Greenock 15.20 SSE
Alexandria 16.95 SE
Port Glasgow 17.21 SSE
Dumbarton 19.44 SE
Lochgilphead 21.72 WSW
Rothesay 22.58 SSW
Erskine 24.09 SE
Largs 24.73 S
Clydebank 25.05 SE
Johnstone 26.61 SE
Milngavie 27.17 ESE
Bearsden 27.45 SE
Millport 27.54 S
Callander 27.61 ENE
Renfrew 27.64 SE
Paisley 28.21 SE

The post town for this district is CAIRNDOW.

Postcode Information for District PA24 (Total Geographical Postcodes: 15)

Location Post Town Sector Number of
Lochgoilhead CAIRNDOW PA24 8 15

The primary settlement in the PA24 postcode district is Lochgoilhead, located in the county of Argyll and Bute in Scotland. The most significant post town in this district is Cairndow.

When it comes to local government, postal geography often disregards political borders. However, this district intersects the following councils: the district mostly encompasses the Argyll and Bute area with a total of 15 postal codes.

The PA24 postal code covers the settlement of Lochgoilhead.

The postcode area has a boundary with Firth of Clyde.

The PA24 Postcode shares a border with PA26 (CAIRNDOW) and PA27 (Strachur, Strathlachlan).

Postcode Sectors

Postcode Sectors in the PA24 District

map showing postcode sectors within the PA24 district
PA24 8
Where the PA24 postcode district lies within the wider  postcode area
Where the PA24 postcode district lies within the wider postcode area
Map Showing Location of the PA24 postcode Sector
Where is the Postal District?
A word cloud for the PA24 postcode
A word cloud showing place names in the postal district
Map of the district

Stations in the Sector

No stations found in this postcode district.

Accessable Motorway Junctions

M898 J1

Average Driving Time from within the district: 54.83

Average Driving Distance: 41.17

Number of Postcodes that can access the Motorway Junction: 15

M8 J29A

Average Driving Time from within the district: 56.44

Average Driving Distance: 42.66

Number of Postcodes that can access the Motorway Junction: 15

M8 J31

Average Driving Time from within the district: 58.31

Average Driving Distance: 44.73

Number of Postcodes that can access the Motorway Junction: 15

M8 J29

Average Driving Time from within the district: 58.61

Average Driving Distance: 45.03

Number of Postcodes that can access the Motorway Junction: 15

Weather Forecast for Loch Goil

Postcode Sectors

Neighbouring Postcode Districts

Royal Mail Delivery and Sorting Offices
Postal Sector Delivery Office
PA24 8Dunoon Delivery Office
Postcode Format
PA24 - X X X
PA24 Space Numeric Letter Letter

Current Monthly Rental Prices

# Bedrooms Min Price Max Price Avg Price
5 £1,950 £1,950 £1,950

Current House Prices

# Bedrooms Min Price Max Price Avg Price
£175,000 £375,000 £275,000
2 £52,995 £298,995 £157,381
3 £90,000 £320,000 £182,000
4 £340,000 £550,000 £445,000
5 £310,000 £750,000 £530,000

Estate Agents

LogoNameBrand NameAddressContact Number
Sell My Group LythamLythamSell My GroupThe Old Bakery Green Street, Lytham, Lytham St. Annes, FY8 5LG020 3910 6164
Park Move NationwideNationwidePark Move8-9 Red Lion Street, Stamford, PE9 1PA01780 432725
Ivy Property GlasgowGlasgowIvy Property81 Lauderdale Gardens, Glasgow, G12 9QU0141 673 7555
Allen & Harris HelensburghHelensburghAllen & HarrisColquhoun Square, Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire, G84 8AD01436 647393
G & S Properties BearsdenBearsdenG & S Properties50 Drymen Road, Bearsden, Glasgow, G61 2RH0141 673 7240