M33 5QZ is a postal code used within the United Kingdom for delivering mail.
Postcodes are made up of two parts. The part before the space (M33) is called the outward code. The part after the space (5QZ) is called the inward code. The letters C, I, K, M, O and V are not allowed in the inward code. In addition to the inward and outward code, the postcode can be broken up into four parts:
The regional mail center for the post area M is the North West Distribution Centre, which is located at Mill Lane, Winwick Quay, WARRINGTON, WA2 8RJ.
The final port of call for any post addressed to the M33 5QZ postcode is the local delivery office (DO) which is . Here the post will be sorted ready for delivery.
The properties in the M33 5QZ postcode have the street address of Almond Drive
Did you know? According to the 2021 Census, the M33 5QZ postcode is home to a bustling 22 residents!
M33 5QZ is within the town of SALE.
The M33 5QZ postcode area is composed of 100% residential properties, 0% commercial properties, and 0% public properties.
According to our data. Most dwellings in M33 5QZ are houses. Of these houses, most are detached.
Most properties in M33 5QZ are owned by the occupiers with the rest being unknown tenure.
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Contact MeProperty Type | Percentage |
Residential | 100% |
Commercial | 0% |
Public | 0% |
The telephone area code for M33 5QZ is 0161 Manchester.
Latitude | 53.4321300065 |
Longitude | -2.33341852322 |
Street | Town | Locality | Distance (Miles) | Central Postcode | Directions on Google Maps |
GREEN LANE | SALE | 0.41 | M33 5PN | View on Google Maps | |
CROSS STREET | SALE | 0.53 | M33 7JN | View on Google Maps | |
ASHTON LANE | SALE | 0.54 | M33 6WT | View on Google Maps | |
CURZON ROAD | SALE | 0.60 | M33 7XB | View on Google Maps |
Nearest Town | Distance (Miles) | Direction | Bearing |
Sale | 0.65 | SE | 137.49 |
Stretford | 1.44 | NE | 47.93 |
Urmston | 2.03 | NNW | 330.40 |
Altrincham | 3.13 | SSW | 193.74 |
Irlam | 3.52 | WNW | 293.10 |
Eccles | 3.52 | N | 356.90 |
Hale | 3.62 | S | 184.43 |
Salford | 3.71 | NNE | 25.22 |
Partington | 4.00 | WSW | 256.90 |
Cheadle | 6.16 | ESE | 116.77 |
Tyldesley | 7.91 | NW | 315.84 |
Time Period | Icon | Description | Temperature | Rain Probability | Wind |
09:00 to 12:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 13.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) | 7.00% | S 25 mph |
12:00 to 15:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 13.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) | 56.00% | S 25 mph |
15:00 to 18:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 14.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) | 14.00% | SSW 20 mph |
18:00 to 21:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 11.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) | 6.00% | SSW 11 mph |
21:00 to 00:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 9.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) | 4.00% | S 9 mph |
Time Period | Icon | Description | Temperature | Rain Probability | Wind |
00:00 to 03:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 8.0°C (feels like 6.0°C) | 4.00% | S 9 mph |
03:00 to 06:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 8.0°C (feels like 6.0°C) | 5.00% | S 7 mph |
06:00 to 09:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 8.0°C (feels like 5.0°C) | 4.00% | S 7 mph |
09:00 to 12:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 8.0°C (feels like 6.0°C) | 4.00% | SSW 7 mph |
12:00 to 15:00 | ![]() | Partly cloudy (day) | 12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) | 33.00% | SW 9 mph |
15:00 to 18:00 | ![]() | Light rain shower (day) | 12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) | 42.00% | WSW 9 mph |
18:00 to 21:00 | ![]() | Clear night | 9.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) | 10.00% | SW 4 mph |
21:00 to 00:00 | ![]() | Clear night | 7.0°C (feels like 5.0°C) | 0.00% | SSW 7 mph |
Time Period | Icon | Description | Temperature | Rain Probability | Wind |
00:00 to 03:00 | ![]() | Clear night | 6.0°C (feels like 4.0°C) | 0.00% | S 9 mph |
03:00 to 06:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 6.0°C (feels like 3.0°C) | 4.00% | S 11 mph |
06:00 to 09:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 7.0°C (feels like 4.0°C) | 5.00% | SSE 13 mph |
09:00 to 12:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 9.0°C (feels like 5.0°C) | 7.00% | S 18 mph |
12:00 to 15:00 | ![]() | Light rain | 10.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) | 49.00% | S 20 mph |
15:00 to 18:00 | ![]() | Heavy rain | 11.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) | 83.00% | S 20 mph |
18:00 to 21:00 | ![]() | Heavy rain | 11.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) | 83.00% | SSW 16 mph |
21:00 to 00:00 | ![]() | Light rain shower (night) | 11.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) | 40.00% | SSW 13 mph |
Time Period | Icon | Description | Temperature | Rain Probability | Wind |
00:00 to 03:00 | ![]() | Light rain shower (night) | 10.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) | 35.00% | SSW 13 mph |
03:00 to 06:00 | ![]() | Heavy rain shower (night) | 9.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) | 50.00% | SW 11 mph |
06:00 to 09:00 | ![]() | Light rain shower (night) | 9.0°C (feels like 6.0°C) | 33.00% | SW 11 mph |
09:00 to 12:00 | ![]() | Partly cloudy (day) | 9.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) | 9.00% | SW 9 mph |
12:00 to 15:00 | ![]() | Light rain shower (day) | 11.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) | 36.00% | WSW 11 mph |
15:00 to 18:00 | ![]() | Sunny day | 11.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) | 8.00% | WSW 11 mph |
18:00 to 21:00 | ![]() | Clear night | 9.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) | 6.00% | SW 9 mph |
21:00 to 00:00 | ![]() | Clear night | 7.0°C (feels like 5.0°C) | 3.00% | SW 7 mph |
Time Period | Icon | Description | Temperature | Rain Probability | Wind |
00:00 to 03:00 | ![]() | Clear night | 6.0°C (feels like 4.0°C) | 3.00% | SW 7 mph |
03:00 to 06:00 | ![]() | Clear night | 5.0°C (feels like 3.0°C) | 5.00% | SW 7 mph |
06:00 to 09:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 5.0°C (feels like 2.0°C) | 11.00% | SW 7 mph |
09:00 to 12:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 6.0°C (feels like 3.0°C) | 12.00% | WSW 9 mph |
12:00 to 15:00 | ![]() | Light rain shower (day) | 8.0°C (feels like 5.0°C) | 32.00% | W 11 mph |
15:00 to 18:00 | ![]() | Light rain shower (day) | 8.0°C (feels like 5.0°C) | 31.00% | WNW 11 mph |
18:00 to 21:00 | ![]() | Clear night | 7.0°C (feels like 4.0°C) | 6.00% | W 9 mph |
21:00 to 00:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 6.0°C (feels like 4.0°C) | 9.00% | W 7 mph |
Average Mbps | 161.800 |
Median Mbps | 92.600 |
Maximum Mbps | 593.000 |
M33 5QZ has an average download speed of 161.8 Megabits per second (Mbps).
217 other postcode units have the same broadband speed.
93% of postcodes (1,101,290) have slower broadband speeds.
7% of postcodes (83,134) have faster broadband speeds.
Average Mbps | 15.800 |
Median Mbps | 10.000 |
Maximum Mbps | 39.000 |
M33 5QZ has an average upload speed of 15.8 Megabits per second (Mbps).
10,629 other postcode units have the same upload speed.
73% of postcodes (859,277) have slower upload speeds.
27% of postcodes (314,735) have faster upload speeds.
Address: Templemoor Infant and Nursery School, Nursery Close, Off Temple Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 2EG
Distance: 1.42 miles
Contact: 01619691622
Address: St Anne's CofE Primary School, Trinity Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 3ES
Distance: 1.31 miles
Contact: 01619737181
Address: Moorlands Junior School, Temple Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 2LP
Distance: 1.38 miles
Contact: 01619625452
Address: Worthington Primary School, Worthington Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 2JJ
Distance: 1.76 miles
Contact: 01619733504
Address: Holy Family Catholic Primary School, Old Hall Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 2JA
Distance: 1.56 miles
Contact: 01619625397
Address: St Ann's RC Primary School, Derbyshire Lane, Stretford, Manchester, M32 8SH
Distance: 1.68 miles
Contact: 01618657705
Address: St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Marlborough Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 3AF
Distance: 0.94 miles
Address: Victoria Park Infant School, Henshaw Street, Stretford, Manchester, M32 8BU
Distance: 1.55 miles
Contact: 01618654778
Address: St Matthew's CofE Primary School, Poplar Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 9AN
Distance: 0.99 miles
Contact: 01618651284
Address: Brooklands Primary School, Woodbourne Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 3SY
Distance: 1.32 miles
Contact: 01619733758
Address: Springfield Primary School, Springfield Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 7XS
Distance: 0.75 miles
Contact: 01619734149
Address: St Margaret Ward Catholic Primary School, Cherry Lane, Sale, Cheshire, M33 4GY
Distance: 1.64 miles
Contact: 01619699852
Address: Moss Park Infant School, Moss Park Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 9HR
Distance: 1.19 miles
Address: Moss Park Primary School, Moss Park Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 9HR
Distance: 1.19 miles
Contact: 01618641710
Address: Park Road Primary School, Abbey Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 6HT
Distance: 0.23 miles
Address: St Mary's CofE Primary School, St Mary's Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 6SA
Distance: 0.54 miles
Contact: 01619735030
Address: Woodheys Primary School, Meadway, Woodheys Primary School, Sale, Cheshire, M33 4PG
Distance: 1.36 miles
Contact: 01619734478
Address: Wellfield Junior School, Dumber Lane, Sale, Cheshire, M33 5QX
Distance: 0.27 miles
Contact: 01619123685
Address: Tyntesfield Primary School, Alma Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 4HE
Distance: 1.56 miles
Address: Wellfield Infant and Nursery School, Church Lane, Sale, M33 5QW
Distance: 0.35 miles
Contact: 01619621828
Address: Firs Primary School, Firs Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 5EL
Distance: 1.01 miles
Contact: 01619737350
Address: All Saints' Catholic Primary School, Cedar Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 5NW
Distance: 0.71 miles
Contact: 01619621288
Address: Kingsway Primary School, Kingsway Park, Davyhulme, Urmston, Manchester, M41 0SP
Distance: 1.81 miles
Contact: 01617481867
Address: Barton Clough Primary School, Audley Avenue, Stretford, Manchester, M32 9TG
Distance: 1.70 miles
Contact: 01617487539
Address: Barton Clough Primary School, Audley Avenue, Stretford, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M32 9TG
Distance: 1.70 miles
Address: Sale High School, Norris Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 3JR
Distance: 1.71 miles
Contact: 01619732713
Address: Stretford Grammar School, Granby Road, Stretford, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M32 8JB
Distance: 1.65 miles
Contact: 01618652293
Address: Sale Grammar School, Marsland Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 3NH
Distance: 1.23 miles
Contact: 01619733217
Address: Sale Grammar School, Marsland Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 3NH
Distance: 1.23 miles
Address: Ashton-on-Mersey School, Cecil Avenue, Sale, Cheshire, M33 5BP
Distance: 0.91 miles
Contact: 01619731179
Address: 23 DOVESTON ROAD, SALE, M33 6LE
Distance: 0.49 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.58 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.69 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.75 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.77 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.84 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.41 miles
Contact: tel: 0161 9736024
Distance: 0.65 miles
Contact: tel: 0161 6028931
Distance: 0.69 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.70 miles
Contact: tel: 0161 9628228
Distance: 0.84 miles
Contact: tel: 0161 9732843
Distance: 0.94 miles
Contact: tel: 01618 643733
Distance: 0.41 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.66 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.68 miles
Contact: :
Address: 28 SCHOOL ROAD, SALE, M33 7XF
Distance: 0.71 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 1.21 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 1.30 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.70 miles
Contact: tel: 0161 9624354
Address: 63-67 WASHWAY ROAD, SALE, M33 7SS
Distance: 0.70 miles
Contact: :
Address: 63-67 WASHWAY ROAD, SALE, M33 7SS
Distance: 0.70 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.80 miles
Contact: tel: 0161 9624625
Address: 121 FIRS WAY, SALE, CHESHIRE, M33 4BR
Distance: 1.18 miles
Contact: tel: 0161 9050310
Distance: 1.57 miles
Contact: tel: 0161 8651100
Address: Trafford Park station, Moss Road, Trafford Park, Greater Manchester, M32 1AA
Postcode: M32 1AA
Line: Liverpool to Manchester (South) lines
Company: Northern
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 1.81 miles
Address: Humphrey Park station, Humphrey Lane, Humphrey Park, Greater Manchester, M32 9PP
Postcode: M32 9PP
Line: Liverpool to Manchester (South) lines
Company: Northern
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 1.41 miles
Address: Urmston station, Flixton Road, Urmston, Greater Manchester, M41 5AW
Postcode: M41 5AW
Line: Liverpool to Manchester (South) lines
Company: Northern
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 1.40 miles
Address: Manchester United Football Ground s, Sir Matt Busby Way, Old Trafford, Manchester, M16 0QG
Postcode: M16 0QG
Line: Liverpool to Manchester (South) lines
Company: Northern
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 2.72 miles
Address: Navigation Road station, Navigation Road Station, Altrincham, Greater Manchester, WA14 1SR
Postcode: WA14 1SR
Line: Mid-Cheshire line
Company: Northern
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 2.57 miles
Address: Chassen Road station, Chassen Road, Urmston, Greater Manchester, M41 9DY
Postcode: M41 9DY
Line: Liverpool to Manchester (South) lines
Company: Northern
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 1.73 miles
Address: Altrincham station, Stamford New Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 1EN
Postcode: WA14 1EN
Line: Mid-Cheshire line
Company: Northern
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 3.14 miles
Address: Flixton station, Flixton Road, Flixton, Greater Manchester, M41 6JL
Postcode: M41 6JL
Line: Liverpool to Manchester (South) lines
Company: Northern
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 2.23 miles
Address: Hale station, Ashley Road, Hale, Greater Manchester, WA14 2UZ
Postcode: WA14 2UZ
Line: Mid-Cheshire line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 3.73 miles
Address: Patricroft station, Green Lane, Patricroft, Greater Manchester, M30 0GX
Postcode: M30 0GX
Line: Liverpool to Manchester (north) lines
Company: Northern
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 3.79 miles
Address: Eccles station, St Marys Road, Eccles, Greater Manchester, M30 0DN
Postcode: M30 0DN
Line: Liverpool to Manchester (north) lines
Company: Northern
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 3.68 miles
Address: East Didsbury station, Wilmslow Road, East Didsbury, Greater Manchester, M20 5WP
Postcode: M20 5WP
Line: Styal Line
Company: Northern
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 4.85 miles
Address: Mauldeth Road station, Mauldeth Road, Burnage, Lancashire, M14 6SQ
Postcode: M14 6SQ
Line: Styal Line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 5.12 miles
Address: Gatley station, Gatley Road, Gatley, Cheshire, SK8 4AE
Postcode: SK8 4AE
Line: Styal Line|Mid-Cheshire line
Company: Northern
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 5.01 miles
Address: Ardwick station, Blind Lane, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M12 6LY
Postcode: M12 6LY
Line: Hope Valley line|Buxton Line|Styal Line|Crewe to Manchester Line|Mid-Cheshire line|Glossop line|Stafford to Manchester line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 5.62 miles
Address: Manchester Victoria station, Station Approach, Todd Street, Manchester, M3 1WY
Postcode: M3 1WY
Line: Manchester Southport Line|Liverpool to Manchester (north) lines|Ribble Valley line|Calder Valley line|Huddersfield line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 5.35 miles
Address: Manchester Oxford Road station, Station Approach, Oxford Road, Manchester, M1 6FU
Postcode: M1 6FU
Line: Manchester Southport Line|Crewe to Manchester Line|Liverpool to Manchester (South) lines|Manchester to Preston line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 4.73 miles
Address: Salford Central station, New Bailey Street, Salford, Greater Manchester, M3 5ET
Postcode: M3 5ET
Line: Manchester Southport Line|Liverpool to Manchester (north) lines|Ribble Valley line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 4.74 miles
Address: Deansgate station, Whitworth Street West, Deansgate, Manchester, M3 4LG
Postcode: M3 4LG
Line: Manchester Southport Line|Crewe to Manchester Line|Liverpool to Manchester (South) lines|Manchester to Preston line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 4.46 miles
Address: Salford Crescent station, University Road West, Salford, Greater Manchester, M5 4BR
Postcode: M5 4BR
Line: Manchester Southport Line|Manchester to Preston line|Ribble Valley line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 4.45 miles
Address: Irlam station, Station Road, Irlam, Greater Manchester, M44 5AB
Postcode: M44 5AB
Line: Liverpool to Manchester (South) lines
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 4.12 miles
Address: Levenshulme station, Albert Road, Levenshulme, Greater Manchester, M19 3PJ
Postcode: M19 3PJ
Line: Hope Valley line|Buxton Line|Crewe to Manchester Line|Mid-Cheshire line|Stafford to Manchester line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 5.85 miles
Address: Burnage station, Fog Lane, off Kingsway, Burnage, Greater Manchester, M20 6FJ
Postcode: M20 6FJ
Line: Styal Line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 4.92 miles
Address: Manchester Piccadilly station, Piccadilly Station Approach, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M60 7RA
Postcode: M60 7RA
Line: Manchester Southport Line|Hope Valley line|Buxton Line|Styal Line|Crewe to Manchester Line|Mid-Cheshire line|Liverpool to Manchester (South) lines|Manchester to Preston line|Glossop line|Stafford to Manchester line
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 5.29 miles
Address: Heaton Chapel station, Heaton Moor Road, Heaton Chapel, Cheshire, SK4 4NX
Postcode: SK4 4NX
Line: Hope Valley line|Buxton Line|Crewe to Manchester Line|Mid-Cheshire line|Stafford to Manchester line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 6.37 miles
Address: Heald Green station, Finney Lane, Heald Green, Cheshire, SK8 3DY
Postcode: SK8 3DY
Line: Styal Line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 5.85 miles
Address: Manchester Airport station, Under airport terminal, Ringway, Manchester, M90 3RR
Postcode: M90 3RR
Line: Styal Line
Company: TransPennine Express
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 5.26 miles
Address: Swinton station, Station Road, Swinton, Greater Manchester, M27 6BT
Postcode: M27 6BT
Line: Manchester Southport Line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 5.72 miles
Address: Moorside station, Moorside Road, Moorside, Greater Manchester, M27 9PU
Postcode: M27 9PU
Line: Manchester Southport Line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 5.85 miles
Address: Ashley station, Railway Station, Ashley, Cheshire, WA14 3QE
Postcode: WA14 3QE
Line: Mid-Cheshire line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 5.27 miles
Address: Reddish South station, Gorton Road, Reddish, Greater Manchester, SK5 6TU
Postcode: SK5 6TU
Line: Stockport to Stalybridge line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 7.23 miles
Address: Stockport station, Grand Central Way, Stockport, Cheshire, SK3 9HZ
Postcode: SK3 9HZ
Line: Hope Valley line|Buxton Line|Crewe to Manchester Line|Mid-Cheshire line|Stafford to Manchester line
Company: Avanti West Coast
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 7.25 miles
Address: Walkden station, Walkden Road, Walkden, Greater Manchester, M28 3DY
Postcode: M28 3DY
Line: Manchester Southport Line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 6.59 miles
Address: Davenport station, Bramhall Lane, Davenport, Greater Manchester, SK3 8SA
Postcode: SK3 8SA
Line: Hope Valley line|Buxton Line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 7.98 miles
Address: Kearsley station, Stoneclough Road, Kearsley, Greater Manchester, BL4 8DU
Postcode: BL4 8DU
Line: Manchester to Preston line|Ribble Valley line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 7.97 miles
Address: Cheadle Hulme station, Station Road, Cheadle Hulme, Greater Manchester, SK8 5AF
Postcode: SK8 5AF
Line: Crewe to Manchester Line|Stafford to Manchester line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 7.13 miles
Address: Bredbury station, Stockport Road West, Bredbury, Greater Manchester, SK6 2AA
Postcode: SK6 2AA
Line: Hope Valley line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 9.23 miles
Address: Denton station, Manchester Road North, Denton, Greater Manchester, M34 3NS
Postcode: M34 3NS
Line: Stockport to Stalybridge line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 8.54 miles
Address: Farnworth station, Railway Street, Farnworth, Greater Manchester, BL4 7QZ
Postcode: BL4 7QZ
Line: Manchester to Preston line|Ribble Valley line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 8.45 miles
Address: Handforth station, Station Road, Handforth, Cheshire, SK9 3AB
Postcode: SK9 3AB
Line: Crewe to Manchester Line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 7.72 miles
Address: Styal station, Station Road, Styal, Cheshire, SK9 4JW
Postcode: SK9 4JW
Line: Styal Line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 6.94 miles
Address: Moses Gate station, Bolton Road, Moses Gate, Greater Manchester, BL4 7LT
Postcode: BL4 7LT
Line: Manchester to Preston line|Ribble Valley line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 9.00 miles
Address: Wilmslow station, Station Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 1BU
Postcode: SK9 1BU
Line: Styal Line|Crewe to Manchester Line
Company: Northern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 8.51 miles
Distances are as the crow flies.
Distances represent the quickest route by car.
Westminster Constituency | Altrincham and Sale West |
Member or Parliament | |
Contact Details | Contact Mr Connor Rand |
Political Party | Labour |
Libraries are the responsibility of Trafford council
Visit the link for more information. Please note that some councils outsource library services to private companies and community groups ran by volunteers.
LibrariesYear | High | Low | Average | Sales |
2022 | £640,000 | £640,000 | £640,000 | 1 |
Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.
Supermarket | Distance | Directions |
Sainsburys, Curzon Road, SALE, M33 7SA | 0.94 miles | Directions to Sainsburys |
Aldi, School Road, SALE, M33 7YF | 1.02 miles | Directions to Aldi |
Tesco, Hereford Street, SALE, M33 7XN | 1.07 miles | Directions to Tesco |
Asda, Marsland Road, SALE, M33 3NA | 1.74 miles | Directions to Asda |
Aldi, Arndale Centre, Stretford, MANCHESTER, M32 9BA | 2.19 miles | Directions to Aldi |
Burger King | Distance | Directions |
Trafford Centre, M17 8AA | 2.40 miles | Directions to Trafford Centre |
Unite F10, Lowry Galleria, Lowry Centre, M50 3AH | 3.16 miles | Directions to Unite F10, Lowry Galleria |
6 Goodiers Drive, Salford, M5 4BT | 3.88 miles | Directions to 6 Goodiers Drive |
2a Mosley Street, Piccadilly, Manchester Piccadilly, M2 3AN | 5.17 miles | Directions to 2a Mosley Street, Piccadilly |
Mcdonald's | Distance | Directions |
McDonald's, Chester Road, Stretford, MANCHESTER, M32 8NB | 1.27 miles | Directions to McDonald's, Chester Road, Stretford, MANCHESTER, M32 8NB |
McDonald's, Mercury Way, Urmston, MANCHESTER, M41 7PA | 2.24 miles | Directions to McDonald's, Mercury Way, Urmston, MANCHESTER, M41 7PA |
McDonald's, George Richards Way, Broadheath, ALTRINCHAM, WA14 5GR | 2.35 miles | Directions to McDonald's, George Richards Way, Broadheath, ALTRINCHAM, WA14 5GR |
McDonald's, Neary Way, Urmston, MANCHESTER, M41 7FP | 2.36 miles | Directions to McDonald's, Neary Way, Urmston, MANCHESTER, M41 7FP |
Restaurant | Distance | Directions |
KFC, Neary Way, Urmston, MANCHESTER, M41 7FP | 2.36 miles | Directions to KFC Manchester - Trafford Retail Park |
KFC, The Orient, The Trafford Centre, MANCHESTER, M17 8EH | 2.40 miles | Directions to KFC Manchester - The Trafford Centre |
KFC, Manchester Road, ALTRINCHAM, WA14 5NS | 2.41 miles | Directions to KFC Altrincham - Retail Park |
KFC, Barlow Moor Road, MANCHESTER, M21 8AU | 2.46 miles | Directions to KFC Manchester - Barlow Moor Road |
KFC, Throstles Green, MANCHESTER, M16 0SN | 2.85 miles | Directions to KFC Stretford - Chester Road |