LE6 Postcode

LE6 is the Postcode District for Groby, Leicester Leicestershire


The postcode district is located in the LE Leicester postal area , LE6 has a population of 12,048 residents according to the 2021 England and Wales Census.

The area of the district is 10.45 square miles (27.06 square kilometers or 6,687.47 acres).

A wide range of spatial data has been analysed to present this overview of LE6. If you would like anything added, please contact us.

Map of the LE6 postcode

Map of the LE6 Postcode District

Explore the postcode district by using our interactive map.

Circles represent recorded crime; the larger the circle, the higher the crime rates.

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Where is the LE6 District?

To give you an idea where the district is located we have created the following table showing nearby towns.

Nearest Towns to LE6

Town Distance (miles) Direction
Leicester 5.13 ESE
Coalville 6.15 WNW
Ibstock 6.79 W
Loughborough 7.08 N
Syston 7.21 ENE
Shepshed 7.25 NNW
Earl Shilton 7.39 SSW
Market Bosworth 7.59 WSW
Hinckley 10.68 SSW
Ashby-de-la-Zouch 11.11 WNW
Nuneaton 14.15 SW
Atherstone 14.52 WSW
Lutterworth 15.09 S
Swadlincote 15.14 WNW
Long Eaton 15.86 N
Melton Mowbray 16.09 ENE
Bedworth 16.59 SW
Sandiacre 17.53 N
Beeston 17.71 N
Stapleford 17.90 N

The post town for this district is LEICESTER.

Postcode Information for District LE6 (Total Geographical Postcodes: 254)

Location Post Town Sector Number of
Groby LEICESTER LE6 0 128
Ratby LEICESTER LE6 0 105
Newtown Linford LEICESTER LE6 0 19

Retail and Shopping in LE6

Street Town Locality Number of Shops Central Postcode View on Google Maps

The primary settlement in the LE6 postcode district is Leicester, located in the county of Leicestershire, England. Additionally, significant settlements in this postcode district include Groby, Newtown Linford, and Ratby, all also located in Leicestershire. The main post town for the LE6 postcode district is Leicester.

When it comes to local government, postal geography often disregards political borders. However, this district intersects the following councils: the district mostly encompasses the Hinckley and Bosworth District (B) (234 postal codes), and finally, the Charnwood District (B) area (18 postal codes).

The largest settlement in the LE6 postal code is Groby followed by Ratby, and Newtown Linford.

The LE6 Postcode shares a border with LE67 (COALVILLE, Whitwick, IBSTOCK), LE9 (Earl Shilton, Barwell, Broughton Astley), LE3 (LEICESTER, Glenfield, Leicester Forest East) and LE7 (Syston, Anstey, Rothley).

Postcode Sectors

Postcode Sectors in the LE6 District

map showing postcode sectors within the LE6 district
LE6 0
Where the LE6 postcode district lies within the wider  postcode area
Where the LE6 postcode district lies within the wider postcode area
Map Showing Location of the LE6 postcode Sector
Where is the Postal District?
A word cloud for the LE6 postcode
A word cloud showing place names in the postal district
Map of the district

Dentists in the LE6 District

No dentists found in this district.

Doctors in the LE6 District

# Name Address Type Contact

Chemists in the LE6 District

# Name Address Type Contact

Opticians in the LE6 District

No Opticians found in this district.

Schools in the Sector

Newtown Linford Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Main Street , Newtown Linford , Leicester
Postcode: LE6 0AD

Headteacher: Mrs Chris Chorlton (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Newtown Linford Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Main Street , Newtown Linford , Leicester
Postcode: LE6 0AD

Headteacher: Mrs Kirsten / Louise Kennedy / Proudman (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Martinshaw Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Forest Rise , Groby , Leicester
Postcode: LE6 0BB

Headteacher: Mr Neil Elson (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Brookvale Groby Learning Campus

Phase: Secondary

Address: Ratby Road , Groby , Leicester
Postcode: LE6 0FP

Headteacher: Mr Will Teece (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Outstanding

Groby Community College

Phase: Secondary

Address: Ratby Road , Groby , Leicester
Postcode: LE6 0GE

Headteacher: Mr Robert Coles (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Elizabeth Woodville Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Glebe Road , Groby , Leicester
Postcode: LE6 0GT

Headteacher: Mr Andrew Pridmore (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Ratby Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Main Street , Ratby , Leicester
Postcode: LE6 0LN

Headteacher: Mrs Lisa Jones (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Lady Jane Grey Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Wolsey Close , Groby , Leicester
Postcode: LE6 0ZA

Headteacher: Michael Fitzgerald (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Outstanding

Ashby School

Phase: Secondary

Address: Nottingham Road , Ashby-de-la-Zouch
Postcode: LE65 1DT

Headteacher: Mr Geoff Staniforth (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Serious Weaknesses

Lewis Charlton Learning Centre

Phase: Not applicable

Address: 9a & 10a Waterloo House , North Street , Ashby de la Zouch
Postcode: LE65 1HS

Headteacher: Mr Malcolm Kerridge ()

Ofsted Rating: Inadequate

Ivanhoe School

Phase: Secondary

Address: North Street , Ashby-de-la-Zouch
Postcode: LE65 1HX

Headteacher: Mrs Alison Allford (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Woodcote Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Willowbrook Close , Ashby-de-la-Zouch
Postcode: LE65 1JX

Headteacher: Mrs Suzanne Jones (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Worthington School

Phase: Primary

Address: Main Street , Worthington , Ashby-de-la-Zouch
Postcode: LE65 1RQ

Headteacher: Mrs Natasha Clark (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Outstanding

Packington Church of England Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Mill Street , Packington , Ashby-de-la-Zouch
Postcode: LE65 1WL

Headteacher: Mrs Ruth Burton (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Ashby-de-la-Zouch Church of England Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Burton Road , Ashby-de-la-Zouch
Postcode: LE65 2LL

Headteacher: Co Headteacher Shelly Geeson Jo Trahearn (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Ashby Hill Top Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Beaumont Avenue , Ashby-de-la-Zouch
Postcode: LE65 2NF

Headteacher: Mrs Sylvie Newman (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Outstanding

Ashby Willesley Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Packington Nook Lane , Ashby-de-la-Zouch
Postcode: LE65 2QG

Headteacher: Mr Matthew Brookes (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Ashby Willesley Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Packington Nook Lane , Ashby-de-la-Zouch
Postcode: LE65 2QG

Headteacher: Mrs Chloe Dilks (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Thornton Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Main Street , Thornton , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 1AH

Headteacher: Mrs Sarah Acton (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Clovelly House School

Phase: Not applicable

Address: Clovelly , Merrylees Road , Thornton
Postcode: LE67 1AP

Headteacher: Mrs Jennifer Collighan ()

Ofsted Rating: Requires improvement

Ellistown Community Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Whitehill Road , Ellistown , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 1EN

Headteacher: Mrs Simone Fellows (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Woodstone Community Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Heather Lane , Ravenstone , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 2AH

Headteacher: Mr Patrick Mullins (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Hugglescote Community Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Ashburton Road , Hugglescote , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 2HA

Headteacher: Mr Paul Driver (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Heather Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Main Street , Heather , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 2QP

Headteacher: Mrs Maxine Michalowski (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Requires improvement

Newton Burgoland Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: School Lane , Newton Burgoland , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 2SL

Headteacher: Mrs Sue Ward (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Outstanding

All Saints Church of England Primary School, Coalville

Phase: Primary

Address: Ashby Road , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 3LB

Headteacher: Mr Andy Mawdsley (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Belvoirdale Community Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Scotlands Road , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 3RD

Headteacher: Mr Richard Dax (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Saint Clare's Primary School A Catholic Voluntary Academy, Coalville, Leicestershire

Phase: Primary

Address: Convent Drive , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 3SF

Headteacher: Mrs Judy Beer (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

The Newbridge School

Phase: Secondary

Address: Forest Road , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 3SJ

Headteacher: Mr Michael Gamble / Michael Rowbottom (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Serious Weaknesses

The SMB Group

Phase: 16 plus

Address: C/O Stephenson Campus, Thornborough Road , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 3TN

Headteacher: Mrs Dawn Whitemore (Principal)

Ofsted Rating: Requires improvement

Stephenson Studio School

Phase: Secondary

Address: Thornborough Road , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 3TN

Headteacher: Mr Keith Hobbs (Acting Head Teacher)

Ofsted Rating: Requires improvement

The Castle Rock School

Phase: Secondary

Address: Meadow Lane , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 4BR

Headteacher: Mrs Julia Patrick (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Requires improvement

Broom Leys School

Phase: Primary

Address: Broom Leys Road , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 4DB

Headteacher: Mr Robert Prior (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Warren Hills Community Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Stamford Drive , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 4TA

Headteacher: Mrs Helen Burns (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Forest Way School

Phase: Not applicable

Address: Warren Hills Road , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 4UU

Headteacher: Mrs Gail Seaton (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Outstanding

King Edward VII Science and Sport College

Phase: Secondary

Address: Warren Hills Road , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 4UW

Headteacher: Ms Emma Booth (Principal)

Ofsted Rating: Serious Weaknesses

Whitwick St John The Baptist Church of England Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Parsonwood Hill , Whitwick , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 5AT

Headteacher: Mrs Helen Noon (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Holy Cross School A Catholic Voluntary Academy

Phase: Primary

Address: Parsonwood Hill , Whitwick , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 5AT

Headteacher: Mrs Catherine Murphy (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

New Swannington Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Church Lane , Whitwick , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 5DQ

Headteacher: Mrs Judy Ramsell (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Ibstock Community College

Phase: Secondary

Address: Central Avenue , Ibstock
Postcode: LE67 6NE

Headteacher: Mrs Sophie Williams (Principal)

Ofsted Rating: Good

St Denys Church of England Infant School, Ibstock

Phase: Primary

Address: Laud Close , Ibstock
Postcode: LE67 6NL

Headteacher: Mrs Cheryl Sargeant (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Ibstock Junior School

Phase: Primary

Address: Melbourne Road , Ibstock
Postcode: LE67 6NP

Headteacher: Mr Phil Lewin (Head Teacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Viscount Beaumont's Church of England Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Ashby Road , Coleorton , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 8FD

Headteacher: Mrs Adele Leadbeater (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Viscount Beaumont's Church of England Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Ashby Road , Coleorton , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 8FD

Headteacher: Mrs Jo Westaby (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Griffydam Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Top Road , Griffydam , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 8HU

Headteacher: Miss Victoria Wills (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Thringstone Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Hensons Lane , Thringstone , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 8LJ

Headteacher: Mr David Chapple (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Newbold Church of England Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: School Lane , Newbold Coleorton , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 8PF

Headteacher: Ms Sherryll Hitchman (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Swannington Church of England Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Main Street , Swannington , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 8QJ

Headteacher: Mr Andrew Mawdsley (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Swannington Church of England Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Main Street , Swannington , Coalville
Postcode: LE67 8QJ

Headteacher: Mrs Jo Westaby (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

South Charnwood High School

Phase: Middle deemed secondary

Address: Broad Lane , Markfield
Postcode: LE67 9TB

Headteacher: Mr Andrew Morris (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Outstanding

South Charnwood High School

Phase: Secondary

Address: Broad Lane , Markfield
Postcode: LE67 9TB

Headteacher: Mr Simon Andrews (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Stanton Under Bardon Community Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Main Street , Stanton-under-Bardon , Markfield
Postcode: LE67 9TQ

Headteacher: Mrs Diane Parry (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Mercenfeld Primary School

Phase: Primary

Address: Oakfield Avenue , Markfield
Postcode: LE67 9WG

Headteacher: Mrs Kirstie Randle (Headteacher)

Ofsted Rating: Good

Stations in the Sector

No stations found in this postcode district.

Accessable Motorway Junctions

M1 J21A

Average Driving Time from within the district: 4.14

Average Driving Distance: 2.73

Number of Postcodes that can access the Motorway Junction: 252

M1 J22

Average Driving Time from within the district: 6.63

Average Driving Distance: 4.53

Number of Postcodes that can access the Motorway Junction: 252

M1 J21

Average Driving Time from within the district: 6.88

Average Driving Distance: 5.60

Number of Postcodes that can access the Motorway Junction: 252

M69 J2

Average Driving Time from within the district: 13.72

Average Driving Distance: 12.72

Number of Postcodes that can access the Motorway Junction: 248

M1 J23A

Average Driving Time from within the district: 14.92

Average Driving Distance: 12.87

Number of Postcodes that can access the Motorway Junction: 93

M69 J1

Average Driving Time from within the district: 16.03

Average Driving Distance: 14.89

Number of Postcodes that can access the Motorway Junction: 159

M1 J24

Average Driving Time from within the district: 16.48

Average Driving Distance: 12.40

Number of Postcodes that can access the Motorway Junction: 4

Weather Forecast for Glenfield

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
18:00 to 21:00symbol for OvercastOvercast6.0°C (feels like 3.0°C) 10.00%SSE 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for OvercastOvercast5.0°C (feels like 1.0°C) 10.00%SSE 11 mph

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for OvercastOvercast4.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 10.00%S 11 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for OvercastOvercast4.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 9.00%S 9 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy3.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 6.00%S 9 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy3.0°C (feels like -1.0°C) 5.00%S 9 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Partly cloudy (day)Partly cloudy (day)5.0°C (feels like 2.0°C) 1.00%S 11 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Partly cloudy (day)Partly cloudy (day)6.0°C (feels like 4.0°C) 2.00%SSW 9 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for CloudyCloudy4.0°C (feels like 2.0°C) 5.00%SSW 4 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy4.0°C (feels like 1.0°C) 4.00%SSW 7 mph

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for Partly cloudy (night)Partly cloudy (night)3.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 2.00%SSW 7 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for OvercastOvercast3.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 8.00%SSW 7 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for OvercastOvercast3.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 9.00%SSW 7 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for OvercastOvercast4.0°C (feels like 1.0°C) 8.00%SSW 9 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for CloudyCloudy7.0°C (feels like 4.0°C) 6.00%SSW 11 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for CloudyCloudy8.0°C (feels like 6.0°C) 5.00%SSW 9 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for CloudyCloudy7.0°C (feels like 4.0°C) 5.00%S 11 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy6.0°C (feels like 3.0°C) 5.00%SSW 11 mph

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for CloudyCloudy6.0°C (feels like 3.0°C) 6.00%SSW 11 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for OvercastOvercast6.0°C (feels like 3.0°C) 8.00%SSW 13 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy6.0°C (feels like 3.0°C) 6.00%SSW 13 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy7.0°C (feels like 3.0°C) 6.00%SSW 13 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for CloudyCloudy9.0°C (feels like 6.0°C) 11.00%SSW 16 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Light rainLight rain10.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) 53.00%SSW 13 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Light rainLight rain9.0°C (feels like 6.0°C) 49.00%SW 11 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Clear nightClear night7.0°C (feels like 4.0°C) 9.00%WSW 9 mph

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for Clear nightClear night6.0°C (feels like 3.0°C) 4.00%WSW 9 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for Clear nightClear night4.0°C (feels like 1.0°C) 2.00%W 7 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for Clear nightClear night3.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 2.00%W 7 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for Partly cloudy (day)Partly cloudy (day)3.0°C (feels like 1.0°C) 2.00%W 7 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Partly cloudy (day)Partly cloudy (day)6.0°C (feels like 4.0°C) 1.00%WNW 7 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for CloudyCloudy7.0°C (feels like 6.0°C) 4.00%NW 4 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Partly cloudy (night)Partly cloudy (night)4.0°C (feels like 2.0°C) 1.00%SW 4 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Clear nightClear night2.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 1.00%SW 4 mph

Postcode Sectors

Neighbouring Postcode Districts

Royal Mail Delivery and Sorting Offices
Postal Sector Delivery Office
LE6 0Groby Scale Payment Delivery Office
LE6 0Ratby Scale Payment Delivery Office
Postcode Format
LE6 - X X X
LE6 Space Numeric Letter Letter

Street List for the LE6 District

Current Monthly Rental Prices

# Bedrooms Min Price Max Price Avg Price
2 £850 £900 £882
3 £895 £1,750 £1,348
4 £2,300 £2,300 £2,300

Current House Prices

# Bedrooms Min Price Max Price Avg Price
£250,000 £250,000 £250,000
2 £75,000 £650,000 £249,998
3 £230,000 £550,000 £309,927
4 £290,000 £595,000 £456,471
5 £325,000 £1,100,000 £577,142
6 £645,000 £1,900,000 £1,486,250

Estate Agents

LogoNameBrand NameAddressContact Number
ANDERSON BRIGGS LeicesterLeicesterANDERSON BRIGGS4 Ratby Road, Groby, Leicester, LE6 0GG0116 497 6826
Newby & Co LeicesterLeicesterNewby & Co88 Faire Road, Glenfield, Leicester, LE3 8ED0116 216 3823
Newton Fallowell Leicester Forest EastLeicester Forest EastNewton Fallowell18 Hinckley Road, Leicester Forest East, Leicester, LE3 3GH0116 366 1554
Judge Estate Agents AnsteyAnsteyJudge Estate Agents13 The Nook, Anstey LE7 7AZ0116 216 4833
James Sellicks Estate Agents LeicesterLeicesterJames Sellicks Estate Agents56 Granby Street, Leicester, LE1 1DH0116 216 4354

Yearly House Price Averages for the District

Type of Property 2018 Average 2018 Sales 2017 Average 2017 Sales 2016 Average 2016 Sales 2015 Average 2015 Sales
Detached £326,69894 £263,05884 £270,764105 £286,47299
Semi-Detached £200,03666 £195,09661 £190,22186 £179,07746
Terraced £169,34549 £158,23742 £149,44841 £154,42846
Flats £101,1717 £102,4884 £143,1198 £115,3505