E14 7LG is a postal code used within the United Kingdom for delivering mail.
Postcodes are made up of two parts. The part before the space (E14) is called the outward code. The part after the space (7LG) is called the inward code. The letters C, I, K, M, O and V are not allowed in the inward code. In addition to the inward and outward code, the postcode can be broken up into four parts:
The regional mail center for the post area E is the Princess Royal Distribution Centre, which is located at Blackmore Drive, North Circular, LONDON , NW10 7RH.
The final port of call for any post addressed to the E14 7LG postcode is the local delivery office (DO) which is . Here the post will be sorted ready for delivery.
The properties in the E14 7LG postcode have the street address of Commercial Road
Did you know? According to the 2021 Census, the E14 7LG postcode is home to a bustling 186 residents!
E14 7LG is within the Urban Area of Limehouse.
Our data shows that E14 7LG is a residential postcode.
The E14 7LG postcode area is composed of 100% residential properties, 0% commercial properties, and 0% public properties.
According to our data. Most dwellings in E14 7LG are flats. Of these flats, most are mid-terraced. The remainder are end-terraced, semi-detached, unknown, enclosed end-terraced, detached and enclosed mid-terrace.
Most properties in E14 7LG are privately rented with the rest being owned by the occupiers.
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Contact MeProperty Type | Percentage |
Residential | 100% |
Commercial | 0% |
Public | 0% |
The telephone area code for E14 7LG is 020 London.
Latitude | 51.5130897431 |
Longitude | -0.0358733098797 |
Street | Town | Locality | Distance (Miles) | Central Postcode | Directions on Google Maps |
SALMON LANE | LONDON | 0.10 | E14 7PQ | View on Google Maps | |
COMMERCIAL ROAD | LONDON | 0.19 | E14 7JD | View on Google Maps | |
NARROW STREET | LONDON | 0.23 | E14 8DN | View on Google Maps | |
BURDETT ROAD | LONDON | 0.33 | E14 7DL | View on Google Maps |
Nearest Town | Distance (Miles) | Direction | Bearing |
Chigwell | 8.79 | NNE | 33.02 |
Waltham Cross | 11.94 | N | 0.57 |
Swanley | 12.04 | SE | 131.55 |
Dartford | 12.82 | ESE | 107.83 |
Warlingham | 14.07 | S | 183.58 |
Borehamwood | 14.27 | NW | 315.25 |
Potters Bar | 14.30 | NNW | 331.77 |
Ewell | 14.59 | SW | 219.22 |
Banstead | 15.10 | SSW | 208.89 |
Grays | 15.80 | E | 98.37 |
Brentwood | 16.51 | ENE | 62.85 |
Bushey | 16.83 | WNW | 302.90 |
Time Period | Icon | Description | Temperature | Rain Probability | Wind |
18:00 to 21:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 4.0°C (feels like 1.0°C) | 4.00% | E 9 mph |
21:00 to 00:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 3.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) | 4.00% | E 9 mph |
Time Period | Icon | Description | Temperature | Rain Probability | Wind |
00:00 to 03:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 3.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) | 4.00% | E 7 mph |
03:00 to 06:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 2.0°C (feels like -1.0°C) | 4.00% | E 7 mph |
06:00 to 09:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 2.0°C (feels like -2.0°C) | 4.00% | E 9 mph |
09:00 to 12:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 3.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) | 4.00% | ESE 7 mph |
12:00 to 15:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 7.0°C (feels like 5.0°C) | 4.00% | SE 7 mph |
15:00 to 18:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 9.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) | 5.00% | SE 7 mph |
18:00 to 21:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 8.0°C (feels like 6.0°C) | 4.00% | SSE 7 mph |
21:00 to 00:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 8.0°C (feels like 6.0°C) | 8.00% | SSE 4 mph |
Time Period | Icon | Description | Temperature | Rain Probability | Wind |
00:00 to 03:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 8.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) | 16.00% | S 7 mph |
03:00 to 06:00 | ![]() | Overcast | 9.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) | 13.00% | S 9 mph |
06:00 to 09:00 | ![]() | Overcast | 9.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) | 12.00% | S 9 mph |
09:00 to 12:00 | ![]() | Overcast | 10.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) | 11.00% | SSW 11 mph |
12:00 to 15:00 | ![]() | Overcast | 12.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) | 15.00% | SSW 13 mph |
15:00 to 18:00 | ![]() | Overcast | 12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) | 17.00% | SSW 11 mph |
18:00 to 21:00 | ![]() | Overcast | 12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) | 19.00% | SSW 11 mph |
21:00 to 00:00 | ![]() | Overcast | 12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) | 17.00% | SSW 11 mph |
Time Period | Icon | Description | Temperature | Rain Probability | Wind |
00:00 to 03:00 | ![]() | Overcast | 12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) | 17.00% | SSW 9 mph |
03:00 to 06:00 | ![]() | Overcast | 11.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) | 16.00% | S 11 mph |
06:00 to 09:00 | ![]() | Overcast | 11.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) | 15.00% | S 11 mph |
09:00 to 12:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 12.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) | 12.00% | S 13 mph |
12:00 to 15:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) | 10.00% | S 13 mph |
15:00 to 18:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 14.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) | 9.00% | S 13 mph |
18:00 to 21:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) | 13.00% | S 11 mph |
21:00 to 00:00 | ![]() | Light rain | 12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) | 47.00% | S 11 mph |
Time Period | Icon | Description | Temperature | Rain Probability | Wind |
00:00 to 03:00 | ![]() | Light rain | 11.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) | 50.00% | SSW 9 mph |
03:00 to 06:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 11.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) | 17.00% | SSW 7 mph |
06:00 to 09:00 | ![]() | Overcast | 10.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) | 20.00% | SSW 7 mph |
09:00 to 12:00 | ![]() | Overcast | 10.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) | 20.00% | SW 7 mph |
12:00 to 15:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 11.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) | 13.00% | SW 7 mph |
15:00 to 18:00 | ![]() | Cloudy | 12.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) | 12.00% | SW 7 mph |
18:00 to 21:00 | ![]() | Clear night | 11.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) | 6.00% | SSW 7 mph |
21:00 to 00:00 | ![]() | Clear night | 10.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) | 4.00% | SSW 7 mph |
Average Mbps | 122.600 |
Median Mbps | 62.300 |
Maximum Mbps | 1000.000 |
E14 7LG has an average download speed of 122.6 Megabits per second (Mbps).
600 other postcode units have the same broadband speed.
80% of postcodes (950,916) have slower broadband speeds.
20% of postcodes (233,125) have faster broadband speeds.
Average Mbps | 21.000 |
Median Mbps | 16.900 |
Maximum Mbps | 220.000 |
E14 7LG has an average upload speed of 21 Megabits per second (Mbps).
1,329 other postcode units have the same upload speed.
95% of postcodes (1,124,339) have slower upload speeds.
5% of postcodes (58,973) have faster upload speeds.
Address: Manorfield Primary School, Wyvis Street, Poplar, London, E14 6QD
Distance: 1.04 miles
Contact: 02079871623
Address: The Clara Grant Primary School, Knapp Road, Bow, London, E3 4BU
Distance: 0.92 miles
Address: Woolmore Primary School, Woolmore Street, Poplar, London, E14 0EW
Distance: 1.18 miles
Contact: 02079872778
Address: St Saviour's Church of England Primary School, Chrisp Street, Poplar, London, E14 6BB
Distance: 0.86 miles
Contact: 02079874889
Address: Stebon Primary School, Burdett Estate, Wallwood Street, Poplar, London, E14 7AD
Distance: 0.50 miles
Address: Wellington Primary School, Wellington Way, Bow, London, E3 4NE
Distance: 1.01 miles
Contact: 02089802413
Address: Bygrove Primary School, Bygrove Street, Poplar, London, E14 6DN
Distance: 0.76 miles
Address: St Paul with St Luke CofE Primary School, Leopold Street, Bow, London, E3 4LA
Distance: 0.44 miles
Contact: 02079874624
Address: Mayflower Primary School, Upper North Street, Poplar, London, E14 6DU
Distance: 0.68 miles
Contact: 02079872782
Address: Culloden Primary - A Paradigm Academy, Dee Street, Poplar, London, E14 0PT
Distance: 1.33 miles
Contact: 02073641010
Address: Lansbury Lawrence Primary School, Cordelia Street, Poplar, London, E14 6DZ
Distance: 0.71 miles
Contact: 02079874589
Address: Bygrove Primary School, Bygrove Street, Poplar, London, E14 6DN
Distance: 0.76 miles
Contact: 02075384925
Address: Our Lady and St Joseph Catholic Primary School, Wades Place, Poplar, London, E14 0DE
Distance: 0.73 miles
Contact: 02037648860
Address: The Clara Grant Primary School, Knapp Road, Bow, London, E3 4BU
Distance: 0.92 miles
Contact: 02079874564
Address: Stebon Primary School, Burdett Estate, Wallwood Street, Poplar, London, E14 7AD
Distance: 0.50 miles
Contact: 02079874237
Address: Malmesbury Primary School, Coborn Street, Bow, London, E3 2AB
Distance: 1.02 miles
Contact: 02089804299
Address: Stepney Greencoat Church of England Primary School, Norbiton Road, Limehouse, London, E14 7TF
Distance: 0.19 miles
Contact: 02079873202
Address: Cyril Jackson Primary School, 51 Three Colt Street, Limehouse, London, E14 8HH
Distance: 0.29 miles
Address: Cayley Primary School, Aston Street, Stepney, London, E14 7NG
Distance: 0.24 miles
Contact: 02077901490
Address: Halley Primary School, Halley Street, London, E14 7SS
Distance: 0.32 miles
Contact: 02072658061
Address: Sir William Burrough Primary School, Salmon Lane, Limehouse, London, E14 7PQ
Distance: 0.10 miles
Contact: 02079872147
Address: Sir William Burrough Primary School, Salmon Lane, Limehouse, London, E14 7PQ
Distance: 0.10 miles
Address: Guardian Angels Catholic Primary School, Whitman Road, London, E3 4RB
Distance: 0.80 miles
Address: Ben Jonson Primary School, Harford Street, Stepney, London, E1 4PZ
Distance: 0.55 miles
Contact: 02077904110
Address: Solebay Primary - A Paradigm Academy, 11 Solebay Street, London, E1 4PW
Distance: 0.67 miles
Contact: 02089802414
Address: Smithy Street Primary School, Smithy Street, Stepney, London, E1 3BW
Distance: 0.81 miles
Address: Stepney Park Primary School, Smithy Street, Stepney, London, E1 3BW
Distance: 0.81 miles
Contact: 02078845225
Address: Marion Richardson Primary School, Senrab Street, London, E1 0QF
Distance: 0.45 miles
Contact: 02077901441
Address: Bangabandhu Primary School, Wessex Street, Bethnal Green, London, E2 0LB
Distance: 1.10 miles
Contact: 02089800580
Address: John Scurr Primary School, Cephas Street, Stepney Green, London, E1 4AX
Distance: 0.96 miles
Contact: 02077903647
Address: St Peter's London Docks CofE Primary School, Garnet Street, ., London, E1W 3QT
Distance: 0.91 miles
Contact: 02074883050
Address: Blue Gate Fields Infants' School, King David Lane, Stepney, London, E1 0EH
Distance: 0.81 miles
Contact: 02077903611
Address: Blue Gate Fields Junior School, King David Lane, Wapping, London, E1 0EH
Distance: 0.81 miles
Contact: 02077903616
Address: St Mary and St Michael Primary School, Sutton Street, Stepney, London, E1 0BD
Distance: 0.73 miles
Contact: 02077904986
Address: Bigland Green Primary School, Bigland Street, Wapping, London, E1 2ND
Distance: 0.98 miles
Contact: 02077027088
Address: Kobi Nazrul Primary School, Settles Street, Whitechapel, London, E1 1JP
Distance: 1.24 miles
Contact: 02073753626
Address: Harry Gosling Primary School, Fairclough Street, London, E1 1NT
Distance: 1.30 miles
Contact: 02074811650
Address: St Paul's Whitechapel Church of England Primary School, Wellclose Square, Stepney, London, E1 8HY
Distance: 1.31 miles
Contact: 02074806581
Address: Shapla Primary School, Wellclose Square, London, E1 8HY
Distance: 1.31 miles
Address: Langdon Park Community School, Bright Street, Poplar, London, E14 0RZ
Distance: 1.03 miles
Contact: 02079874811
Address: St Paul's Way Trust School, 125 St Paul's Way, London, E3 4FT
Distance: 0.62 miles
Address: Central Foundation Girls' School, Bow Road, London, E3 2AE
Distance: 1.00 miles
Contact: 02089811131
Address: St Paul's Way Trust School, 125 St Paul's Way, London, E3 4FT
Distance: 0.62 miles
Contact: 02079871883
Address: Mulberry Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College, Ben Jonson Road, Stepney, London, E1 4SD
Distance: 0.46 miles
Contact: 02077906361
Address: Stepney Green Mathematics and Computing College, Ben Jonson Road, Stepney, London, E1 4SD
Distance: 0.46 miles
Address: Stepney All Saints Church of England Secondary School, Stepney Way, Stepney, London, E1 0RH
Distance: 0.42 miles
Contact: 02077906712
Address: Bishop Challoner Boys' School, 352 Commercial Road, London, E1 0LB
Distance: 0.60 miles
Address: Bishop Challoner Catholic School, 352 Commercial Road, London, E1 0LB
Distance: 0.60 miles
Contact: 02077919500
Address: Swanlea School, 31 Brady Street, Whitechapel, London, E1 5DJ
Distance: 1.17 miles
Contact: 02073753267
Address: London Enterprise Academy, 81-91 Commercial Road, Whitechapel, Tower Hamlets, London, E1 1RD
Distance: 1.21 miles
Contact: 02074260746
Address: Mulberry School for Girls, Richard Street, Commercial Road, London, E1 2JP
Distance: 1.06 miles
Address: Wapping High School, 153 Commercial Road, London, Not applicable, E1 2DA
Distance: 1.09 miles
Contact: 02035973671
Address: New City College, Poplar High Street, Poplar, London, E14 0AF
Distance: 0.87 miles
Contact: 02075107510
Distance: 0.10 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.30 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.33 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.38 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.44 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.60 miles
Contact: :
Address: 138 SALMON LANE, LONDON, E14 7PQ
Distance: 0.10 miles
Contact: tel: 02032 224049
Distance: 0.30 miles
Contact: tel: 020 79871398
Distance: 0.37 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.38 miles
Contact: tel: 02077 907097
Address: 124 ST PAULS WAY, LONDON, E3 4QA
Distance: 0.59 miles
Contact: tel: 020 75380817
Distance: 0.60 miles
Contact: tel: 02077 902906
Distance: 0.33 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.59 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.66 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.85 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.89 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.89 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.33 miles
Contact: tel: 020 75152211
Distance: 0.38 miles
Contact: tel: 020 77901059
Distance: 0.59 miles
Contact: :
Distance: 0.59 miles
Contact: tel: 020 75380833
Address: 368-376 COMMERCIAL ROAD, LONDON, E1 0LS
Distance: 0.63 miles
Contact: tel: 020 77808000
Distance: 0.83 miles
Contact: tel: 020 74884240
Address: Limehouse station, Commercial Road, Limehouse, London, E14 7JD
Postcode: E14 7JD
Line: London Tilbury & Southend Railway
Company: c2c
Time: within five minutes drive
Distance: 0.15 miles
Address: Wapping station, Wapping High Street, Wapping, London, E1W 3PA
Postcode: E1W 3PA
Line: East London Line
Company: London Overground
Time: within five minutes drive
Distance: 1.09 miles
Address: Shadwell station, Cable Street, Shadwell, London, E1 2QF
Postcode: E1 2QF
Line: London Tilbury & Southend Railway|East London Line
Company: London Overground
Time: within five minutes drive
Distance: 0.94 miles
Address: West Ham station, Manor Road, West Ham, Greater London, E15 3BN
Postcode: E15 3BN
Line: London Tilbury & Southend Railway
Company: LUL Bakerloo Line
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 2.09 miles
Address: Hackney Wick station, White Post Lane, Hackney, London, E9 5TS
Postcode: E9 5TS
Line: North London Line
Company: London Overground
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 2.16 miles
Address: London Fields station, Mentmore Terrace, Hackney, Greater London, E8 3PH
Postcode: E8 3PH
Line: Lea Valley lines
Company: London Overground
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 2.16 miles
Address: Bethnal Green station, Three Colts Lane, Bethnal Green, Greater London, E2 6JL
Postcode: E2 6JL
Line: Great Eastern Main Line|Lea Valley lines|East London Line
Company: London Overground
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 1.29 miles
Address: Surrey Quays station, Lower Road, Rotherhithe, London, SE16 2UF
Postcode: SE16 2UF
Line: East London Line
Company: London Overground
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 1.50 miles
Address: Canada Water station, Deal Porter Way, Canada Water, Greater London, SE16 2YS
Postcode: SE16 2YS
Line: East London Line
Company: LUL Bakerloo Line
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 1.21 miles
Address: Rotherhithe station, Brunel Road, Rotherhithe, London, SE16 4LF
Postcode: SE16 4LF
Line: East London Line
Company: London Overground
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 1.13 miles
Address: Maryland station, Leytonstone Road, Maryland Point, Greater London, E15 1SA
Postcode: E15 1SA
Line: Great Eastern Main Line
Company: TfL Rail
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 2.89 miles
Address: Stratford station, Station Street, Stratford, Greater London, E15 1AZ
Postcode: E15 1AZ
Line: Great Eastern Main Line|North London Line|Lea Valley lines
Company: TfL Rail
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 2.40 miles
Address: Stratford International station, International Way, Stratford, Greater London, E20 1YY
Postcode: E20 1YY
Line: North London Line
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 2.50 miles
Address: Homerton station, Barnabas Road, Homerton, Greater London, E9 5SB
Postcode: E9 5SB
Line: North London Line
Company: London Overground
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 2.32 miles
Address: Cambridge Heath station, Cambridge Heath Road, Bethnal Green, Greater London, E2 9EG
Postcode: E2 9EG
Line: Lea Valley lines
Company: London Overground
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 1.60 miles
Address: Maze Hill station, Tom Smith Close, Maze Hill, Greater London, SE10 9XG
Postcode: SE10 9XG
Line: Greenwich line
Company: Southeastern
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 2.68 miles
Address: Greenwich station, Greenwich High Road, Greenwich, Greater London, SE10 8JQ
Postcode: SE10 8JQ
Line: Greenwich line
Company: Southeastern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 2.61 miles
Address: Deptford station, Deptford High Street, Deptford, Greater London, SE8 3NU
Postcode: SE8 3NU
Line: Greenwich line
Company: Southeastern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 2.40 miles
Address: Shoreditch High Street station, Braithwaite Street, Shoreditch, London, E1 6AE
Postcode: E1 6AE
Line: Great Eastern Main Line|Lea Valley lines|East London Line
Company: London Overground
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 1.84 miles
Address: South Bermondsey station, Ilderton Road, Bermondsey, London, SE16 3JB
Postcode: SE16 3JB
Line: Brighton Main Line|South Eastern Main Line|South London Line|Greenwich line
Company: Southern
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 1.90 miles
Address: London Liverpool Street station, Bishopsgate, London, Greater London, EC2M 7PY
Postcode: EC2M 7PY
Line: Great Eastern Main Line|Lea Valley lines
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 2.01 miles
Address: London Fenchurch Street station, Fenchurch Place, London, EC3M 4AJ
Postcode: EC3M 4AJ
Line: London Tilbury & Southend Railway
Company: c2c
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 1.84 miles
Address: Westcombe Park station, Station Crescent, Westcombe Park, Greater London, SE3 7EQ
Postcode: SE3 7EQ
Line: North Kent Line|Greenwich line
Company: Southeastern
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 3.04 miles
Address: St. Johns station, St. Johns Vale, Lewisham, Greater London, SE8 4EW
Postcode: SE8 4EW
Line: South Eastern Main Line|North Kent Line
Company: Southeastern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 3.09 miles
Address: Hoxton station, Geffrye Street, Hoxton, London, E2 8FF
Postcode: E2 8FF
Line: East London Line
Company: London Overground
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 2.19 miles
Address: Old Street station, Old Street, London, EC1Y 1BE
Postcode: EC1Y 1BE
Line: Northern City Line
Company: LUL Bakerloo Line
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 2.43 miles
Address: Moorgate station, Moorgate, London, EC2Y 9AE
Postcode: EC2Y 9AE
Line: Northern City Line
Company: LUL Bakerloo Line
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 2.38 miles
Address: London Bridge station, Tooley Street / St Thomas Street, London, Greater London, SE1 3QX
Postcode: SE1 3QX
Line: Brighton Main Line|South Eastern Main Line|Greenwich line
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 2.19 miles
Address: London Cannon Street station, Cannon Street, London, Greater London, EC4N 6AP
Postcode: EC4N 6AP
Line: Thameslink
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 2.36 miles
Address: Woodgrange Park station, Romford Road, Manor Park, Greater London, E7 8AF
Postcode: E7 8AF
Line: Great Eastern Main Line|Gospel Oak to Barking line
Company: London Overground
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 4.27 miles
Address: Manor Park station, Station Road, Manor Park, Greater London, E12 5EP
Postcode: E12 5EP
Line: Great Eastern Main Line|Gospel Oak to Barking line
Company: TfL Rail
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 4.42 miles
Address: Woolwich Dockyard station, Belson Road, Woolwich, Greater London, SE18 5JY
Postcode: SE18 5JY
Line: North Kent Line
Company: Southeastern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 4.18 miles
Address: Forest Gate station, Woodgrange Road, Forest Gate, Greater London, E7 0NF
Postcode: E7 0NF
Line: Great Eastern Main Line|Gospel Oak to Barking line
Company: TfL Rail
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 3.61 miles
Address: Wanstead Park station, Woodgrange Road, Wanstead, Greater London, E7 0HX
Postcode: E7 0HX
Line: Great Eastern Main Line|Gospel Oak to Barking line
Company: London Overground
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 3.77 miles
Address: Leytonstone High Road station, High Road, Leytonstone, Greater London, E11 4RE
Postcode: E11 4RE
Line: Gospel Oak to Barking line
Company: London Overground
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 3.98 miles
Address: Leyton Midland Road station, Midland Road, Leyton, Greater London, E10 6JT
Postcode: E10 6JT
Line: Gospel Oak to Barking line
Company: London Overground
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 4.08 miles
Address: Lea Bridge station, Argall Way, Lee Valley, Greater London, E10 7PG
Postcode: E10 7PG
Line: Lea Valley lines
Company: Greater Anglia
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 3.77 miles
Address: Charlton station, Charlton Church Lane, Charlton, Greater London, SE7 7QG
Postcode: SE7 7QG
Line: North Kent Line|Greenwich line
Company: Southeastern
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 3.40 miles
Address: Kidbrooke station, Upside Approach Road, Kidbrooke, Greater London, SE3 9PL
Postcode: SE3 9PL
Line: Bexleyheath line
Company: Southeastern
Time: within ten minutes drive
Distance: 4.44 miles
Address: Blackheath station, Tranquil Vale, Blackheath, Greater London, SE3 9LE
Postcode: SE3 9LE
Line: North Kent Line|Bexleyheath line
Company: Southeastern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 3.78 miles
Address: Clapton station, Upper Clapton Road, Clapton, Greater London, E5 9JP
Postcode: E5 9JP
Line: Lea Valley lines
Company: London Overground
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 3.48 miles
Address: New Cross station, Amersham Vale, off New Cross Road, New Cross, SE14 6LD
Postcode: SE14 6LD
Line: South Eastern Main Line|East London Line|Greenwich line
Company: Southeastern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 2.54 miles
Address: Rectory Road station, Evering Road, Stoke Newington, Greater London, N16 7SJ
Postcode: N16 7SJ
Line: Lea Valley lines
Company: London Overground
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 3.45 miles
Address: Hackney Downs station, Dalston Lane, Hackney, Greater London, E8 1LA
Postcode: E8 1LA
Line: North London Line|Lea Valley lines
Company: London Overground
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 2.68 miles
Address: Hackney Central station, off Amhurst Road, Hackney, Greater London, E8 1LL
Postcode: E8 1LL
Line: North London Line|Lea Valley lines
Company: London Overground
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 2.49 miles
Address: New Cross Gate station, New Cross Road, New Cross, Greater London, SE14 6AR
Postcode: SE14 6AR
Line: Brighton Main Line
Company: London Overground
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 2.62 miles
Address: Nunhead station, Gibbon Road, Nunhead, London, SE15 3XE
Postcode: SE15 3XE
Line: Chatham Main Line
Company: Govia Thameslink Railway (Thameslink)
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 3.27 miles
Address: Haggerston station, Lee Street, Haggerston, London, E8 4DY
Postcode: E8 4DY
Line: East London Line
Company: London Overground
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 2.51 miles
Address: Dalston Kingsland station, Kingsland High Road, Dalston, Greater London, E8 2JS
Postcode: E8 2JS
Line: North London Line|East London Line
Company: London Overground
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 2.98 miles
Address: Dalston Junction station, Dalston Lane, Dalston, London, E8 3DE
Postcode: E8 3DE
Line: North London Line|East London Line
Company: London Overground
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 2.78 miles
Address: Queens Road station, Queens Road, Peckham, London, SE15 2JR
Postcode: SE15 2JR
Line: South London Line
Company: Southern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 2.85 miles
Address: Canonbury station, Wallace Road, Canonbury, Greater London, N1 2PG
Postcode: N1 2PG
Line: North London Line
Company: London Overground
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 3.43 miles
Address: Farringdon station, Cowcross Street, Farringdon, London, EC1M 6BY
Postcode: EC1M 6BY
Line: Thameslink
Company: LUL Bakerloo Line
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 3.02 miles
Address: Essex Road station, 181 Essex Road, Islington, Greater London, N1 2SU
Postcode: N1 2SU
Line: Northern City Line
Company: Govia Thameslink Railway (Great Northern)
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 3.22 miles
Address: London Blackfriars station, Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4V 4DY
Postcode: EC4V 4DY
Line: Thameslink
Company: Govia Thameslink Railway (Thameslink)
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 2.90 miles
Address: City Thameslink station, Ludgate Hill, London, EC4M 7JH
Postcode: EC4M 7JH
Line: Thameslink
Company: Govia Thameslink Railway (Thameslink)
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 2.91 miles
Address: London Waterloo station, Station Approach, London, Greater London., SE1 8SW
Postcode: SE1 8SW
Line: Portsmouth Direct line|South Western Main Line|Waterloo to Reading Line (Windsor Lines)|New Guildford Line|South Eastern Main Line
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 3.42 miles
Address: London Waterloo East station, Sandell Street, London, SE1 8NH
Postcode: SE1 8NH
Line: Portsmouth Direct line|South Western Main Line|Waterloo to Reading Line (Windsor Lines)|New Guildford Line|South Eastern Main Line
Company: Southeastern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 3.20 miles
Address: Elephant & Castle station, Elephant Road, London, SE17 1LB
Postcode: SE17 1LB
Line: Thameslink
Company: Govia Thameslink Railway (Thameslink)
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 3.04 miles
Address: London Charing Cross station, The Strand, London, Greater London, WC2N 5HF
Postcode: WC2N 5HF
Line: South Eastern Main Line
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 3.81 miles
Address: Peckham Rye station, Station Way, Peckham, London, SE15 4RX
Postcode: SE15 4RX
Line: Chatham Main Line|Sutton & Mole Valley Lines|South London Line
Company: Southern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 3.31 miles
Address: Woolwich Arsenal station, Woolwich New Road, Woolwich, Greater London, SE18 6EU
Postcode: SE18 6EU
Line: North Kent Line
Company: Southeastern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 4.82 miles
Address: Lee station, Burnt Ash Road, Lee, Greater London, SE12 9JG
Postcode: SE12 9JG
Line: Dartford Loop Line
Company: Southeastern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 4.88 miles
Address: Vauxhall station, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, Greater London, SW8 1SS
Postcode: SW8 1SS
Line: Portsmouth Direct line|South Western Main Line|Waterloo to Reading Line (Windsor Lines)|New Guildford Line
Company: South Western Railway
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 4.18 miles
Address: Falconwood station, Lingfield Crescent, Falconwood, Greater London, SE9 2RN
Postcode: SE9 2RN
Line: Bexleyheath line
Company: Southeastern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 6.17 miles
Address: Plumstead station, Walmer Terrace, Plumstead, Greater London, SE18 7EA
Postcode: SE18 7EA
Line: North Kent Line
Company: Southeastern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 5.41 miles
Address: Barking station, Station Parade, Barking, Greater London, IG11 8TU
Postcode: IG11 8TU
Line: London Tilbury & Southend Railway|Gospel Oak to Barking line
Company: c2c
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 5.35 miles
Address: Ilford station, Cranbrook Road, Ilford, Greater London, IG1 4DU
Postcode: IG1 4DU
Line: Great Eastern Main Line
Company: TfL Rail
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 5.51 miles
Address: Mottingham station, Station Approach, off Court Road, Mottingham, SE9 4EW
Postcode: SE9 4EW
Line: Dartford Loop Line
Company: Southeastern
Time: within fifteen minutes drive
Distance: 6.27 miles
Distances are as the crow flies.
Distances represent the quickest route by car.
Westminster Constituency | Poplar and Limehouse |
Member or Parliament | |
Contact Details | Contact Apsana Begum |
Political Party | Labour |
Libraries are the responsibility of Tower Hamlets council
Visit the link for more information. Please note that some councils outsource library services to private companies and community groups ran by volunteers.
LibrariesYear | High | Low | Average | Sales |
2014 | £410,000 | £408,500 | £414,500 | 6 |
2015 | £560,000 | £483,000 | £475,750 | 4 |
2016 | £350,000 | £533,000 | £475,750 | 4 |
2017 | £752,693 | £344,000 | £530,798 | 4 |
2019 | £200,000 | £200,000 | £200,000 | 1 |
2020 | £330,000 | £465,000 | £420,000 | 3 |
Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.
Supermarket | Distance | Directions |
Asda, Mile End Road, Tower Hamlets, LONDON, E1 4UJ | 1.35 miles | Directions to Asda |
Iceland, Watney Market, Tower Hamlets, LONDON, E1 2PP | 1.44 miles | Directions to Iceland |
Iceland, Vesey Path, Tower Hamlets, LONDON, E14 6BT | 1.48 miles | Directions to Iceland |
Waitrose, Canada Square, Tower Hamlets, LONDON, E14 5EW | 1.65 miles | Directions to Waitrose |
Sainsburys, Cambridge Heath Road, Tower Hamlets, LONDON, E1 5SD | 1.76 miles | Directions to Sainsburys |
Burger King | Distance | Directions |
Food Court Surrey Quays Centre, Rotherhithe, SE16 7LL | 1.31 miles | Directions to Food Court Surrey Quays Centre |
90 Whitechapel High Street, London, E1 7RA | 1.52 miles | Directions to 90 Whitechapel High Street |
Fenchurch St Station, London, EC3M 4AJ | 1.85 miles | Directions to Fenchurch St Station |
K1, Stratford Shopping Centre, London, E15 1BB | 2.46 miles | Directions to K1, Stratford Shopping Centre |
Mcdonald's | Distance | Directions |
McDonald's, Commercial Road, Tower Hamlets, LONDON, E1 2BT | 1.00 miles | Directions to McDonald's, Commercial Road, Tower Hamlets, LONDON, E1 2BT |
McDonald's, The Highway, Tower Hamlets, LONDON, E1W 2BX | 1.14 miles | Directions to McDonald's, The Highway, Tower Hamlets, LONDON, E1W 2BX |
McDonald's, Bethnal Green Road, Tower Hamlets, LONDON, E2 0DJ | 1.39 miles | Directions to McDonald's, Bethnal Green Road, Tower Hamlets, LONDON, E2 0DJ |
McDonald's, Payne Road, Tower Hamlets, LONDON, E3 2SP | 1.42 miles | Directions to McDonald's, Payne Road, Tower Hamlets, LONDON, E3 2SP |
Restaurant | Distance | Directions |
KFC, Mile End Road, Tower Hamlets, LONDON, E3 4QS | 0.80 miles | Directions to KFC London - Mile End Road |
KFC, Bethnal Green Road, Tower Hamlets, LONDON, E2 0DJ | 1.39 miles | Directions to KFC Bethnal Green |
KFC, Whitechapel High Street, Tower Hamlets, LONDON, E1 7QX | 1.50 miles | Directions to KFC Whitechapel - High Street |
KFC, Tower Hill Terrace, Tower Hamlets, LONDON, EC3N 4EE | 1.85 miles | Directions to KFC London - Tower Hill |
KFC, Bishopsgate, City of London, LONDON, EC2M 4NQ | 1.92 miles | Directions to KFC Bishopsgate |