The Ceremonial County of the City and County of the City of London in England

The Ceremonial County of the City and County of the City of London is situated in London England.

a map of City and County of the City of London

The area of the City and County of the City of London is 1 Square Miles (3 Square Kilometres). Making the City and County of the City of London making it the smallest county in Great Britain (out of 91) and the smallest county in England (out of 48).

Geological Map of the City and County of the City of London

A map showing the geology of the City and County of the City of London.

Geological Makeup of the City and County of the City of London
Map Key Description
Map of the City and County of the City of London

A map showing the boundary of the City and County of the City of London in relation to other counties.


Map of the County of the City and County of the City of London

Zoom LevelLatitudeLongitude
Cities, Towns and Villages in the City and County of the City of London

No towns found for this county.